Does MJ Help With Sleep

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
That’s wild to me as I have the exact opposite experience. My brain won’t shut off until I’m medicated. I’ve always had sleep issues due to the fact my brain just won’t stop racing. A little/a lot of thc helps shut it up a bit.
I may have expressed myself badly. I overthink all the time as well. I often have multiples thoughts at the same time and THC helps me to focus deeper on a specific thought / task.

I should have specified that I'm almost always micro dosing when it comes to THC. But for sure the occasional macro dose will leave me pretty non functional.

Bong Witch

Weird thing is that the very first time I smoked cannabis, I slept amazingly good. I hadn't slept so good in years... it was truly amazing. Now I find that it depends on the strain and also on the timing. Going to sleep at that moment when the high is coming down is the best timing, in my experience.


What everyone is seeing here is a combination of cannabis experiences :nod:, let me explain.

OP, cannabis is generally known to impair REM sleep so it typically causes a disruption in deep sleep. However high dose THC can lead to people falling asleep. So cannabis can help people fall asleep but it's a worse sleep.

Impaired REM sleep has been studied a lot as other things also cause it, and they've also found there's REM rebound in sleep when the cause is removed.

This is neuronal stuff, so it takes ~4 weeks to reset the body (with a complete break). Any less than a complete break will take longer than 4 weeks to reset.

Also note that significant users of cannabis / THC will develop a tolerance to it (e.g. daily), and that will lessen REM sleep impairment. This is the human body adjusting to the cannabis / THC exposure & adjusting itself to compensate (receptor down regulation) and move to a more typical homeostatic body regulation. There still will be REM sleep impairment but it won't be noticeable to most significant users until they take a 4 week or so cannabis / THC break. Low tolerance cannabis / THC users have significant REM sleep impairment & easily identify it. I'm a microdoser who only vapes a few times on weekends & I get big swings in REM sleep. I can green out as well if I'm not careful, so cannabis has helped me go to sleep as well :razz:.

Even more to add, there's also the known phenomenon of variable population level responses (standard normal curve stuff). What that means is that some people are more naturally susceptible to cannabis / THC, while some are not as naturally susceptible to it. This means that some people will have less REM impairment than most others, while some others will have more REM impairment than most others.

With everything described all going on out there, it's surprising to see& a range of experiences within the realm of REM impairment & sleep quality w/ cannabis.

Hope that helps.

HAF so sorry for any spelling / grammar issues :razz:

:peace: :leaf:
Ooooo now do the whole dreaming aspect of it! Whenever I stop using for a while the dreams come back and hit super hard
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Well-Known Member
Well it seems to be a rather valid fact and not a subjective claim. But like i said, it took twenty years for me to realize this and experience it, so it will probably take a while for you too.
Never the less i can recommend meditating to fall asleep.
Meditation is supposed to make you awake. Not get you asleep. The Great Liberation is not a sleeping pill.


Well-Known Member
I'm in it for the pain relief but my nightly toot does seem to help with sleep. Whether that's its own thing or just a product of being more comfortable doesn't much matter to me.
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