Does anyone have a cure for the munchies ,besides eating?


Well-Known Member
Vaping is great but when I get the munchies I know in about an hour I'll be passed out. Eating too much makes me so sleepy If anybody has any hints to keeping a balanced eating habit let me know. The longer I hold out oneating ,the more I end up eating when I do. Does this make any since at all.


Out to lunch
A good way to avoid getting too hungry and eating too much is to eat small but frequent snacks/meals. The problem with the munchies though, for me anyway, is portion control. Drinking water or some other low/no calorie drink (not recommending diet soda either) is a good way to get a 'full feeling'. Doesn't satisfy as long as eating, but it works for me.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I normally combat munchies by vaping on a full stomach. I normally don't get munchies if I have already had something too eat. I think having the munchies when vaping is a stronger craving than when you smoke it.
if I eat before I get minimal munchies that are taken care of by a light snack. If I vape with an empty stomach I end up with a voracious appetite


Well-Known Member
i second the water one. i still get them but dont act on them half the time. at that time the power of suggestion is strong on me so the food network should also be avoided


Lightly Toasted
dadesign said:
i second the water one. i still get them but dont act on them half the time. at that time the power of suggestion is strong on me so the food network should also be avoided
The food network is both a blessing and a curse to all stoners :uhoh:

In either case though it's always funny to hear Emeril BAMBAM himself halfway to a heart-attack :lol:


Well-Known Member
Now this may sound odd, but try deeply sniffing the flavours of the vapor duff right after you finish your bowl. For me, it is SOOO tasty smelling! :brow:


Well-Known Member
Psychonautics said:
Now this may sound odd, but try deeply sniffing the flavours of the vapor duff right after you finish your bowl. For me, it is SOOO tasty smelling! :brow:
Yep my DBV storage plush case (I use it to store my whip in ) Smells like a Pot scented cookie pillow. Sometimes I just want to eat it LOL.


Well-Known Member
Basically willpower, and reminding myself that indulging in the munchies will take a lot off the high. If the willpower is weak, I look at my belly in the mirror for discouragement. :)


Well-Known Member
I have found that jumping in the sack with an attractive woman can help ease the hunger pangs. That or watching some internet bestiality.


The_Algebraist said:
I have found that jumping in the sack with an attractive woman can help ease the hunger pangs. That or watching some internet bestiality.
Internet bestiality seems to hit the spot. :lol:


Well-Known Member
just ignore the feeling. after a few days you wont notice your not getting hungry. i think its a reward thing for your brain, you vape then eat food tastes good. so the next time you vape your brain thinks its getting a big ass meal (as we all know we are hardwired to hord food and to eat as much as we can when we can, comes from the earlier days of man when it might be a few days between hunts for meals.) so as soon as you stop associating weed with food, you will find that you wont get hungry.

ive noticed with me, that after doing that for a while, just settling on normal sized portions is more then good enough to fill you up.


Well-Known Member
I like to go hiking. I'm a rock hound and I find it especially gratifying to go searching for stones, stoned.:)


Chief Vapor Officer
One time I ate $20 worth of junk food from 7-11 after a munchie binge and my stomach was so big I couldn't sleep that night. That taught me portion control.


It's almost unreal how much you can eat when the munchies take over. I got a walmart ready to cook pizza one night when I was munching out. I drizzled honey on it before I tossed it in the oven and oooooh man it was soo good I almost killed the whole thing. Of course an hour later I was hurting badly.

I have started trying to have something around like oranges or strawberries. A juicy peeled orange ready to eat is nice to have handy. Another thing that helps me sometimes is to brush my teeth when i feel the munchies coming. I can't eat chocolate or chips with a mouthfull of toothpaste taste.


Well-Known Member
I usually eat before vaping or smoking, helps ease the munchies, and that in turn helps me stay lifted longer!!!


Well-Known Member
It's really easy for your brain to confuse hunger with thirst, ESPECIALLY when you're high, so...........when you get the munchies, grab a full glass of cold water.

NYC Vape

Well-Known Member
I have been working a cure for this for a while. I find a good minty mouthwash helps. Also a strong mint type tea also helps, even just smelling it. I have experimented with chewing on dried cloves, which helps as well.
NYC Vape,


Well-Known Member
I dont really have a problem with munchies as i think its all in the head. I've always managed my munchies very effectively. But that does not mean i have not had the problem present itself ever. I had a strong run when i was working part-time at a burger joint and man were my munchies out of control but i got over it by just self control eating light before i smoke (at the time since i only vape now) and just knowing that i needed to get my fat ass back to regular weight? Another thing back then i was drinking lots of beer and once i quit drinking hard it was easier to control my munchies. Well hope this helps a bit. But it is entirely up to the person i know people who will go on munchie benders no matter what. Another tip stay away from all food programming, anthony bourdain,andrew zimmern,iron chef etc. That shit will ruin you even if you just ate you will want to eat again hell even when i am sober i get hungry watching that stuff.


Well-Known Member
good advice people I think the brushing of teeth and cup of water is my best bet. The munchies are getting in the way of my vape gaming, can't hold a controller and eat at the same time,. Also eating mass amounts of food wears out your body and causes you to get really sleepy most people blame it on the pot I blame the munchies.


Well-Known Member
Ok heres my secret to ocmbating munchies that I tell all my friends, cause I used to be one of those dudes who would rip through a pantry with the furry of whinnie the poo to a honey pot after a good tasty treat lol.

So, this both healthy and great way to curve munchies, is to take a piece of bread or half piece (or nothing if you already have something in your stomic) and take a multi vit of some sort.. sadly most of them look like horse pills but its perfect munchies, it gives your body something to proccess and its healthy... believe it or not it really works (friend of mine told me about it and I thought he was retarded lol)

Also dont do this if you have an empty stomic.. put anything solid in you before you do this, it dosnt matter if its a small piece of bread, a couple chips, or a piece of leatuce. if not you will throw up (its wierd, its like something you can completely depend apon happening everytime lol, friend also warned me of this.. i thought he was retarded lol)

Now one thing I would like to note, is that munchies is a completely real thing, and the reason that you want to eat more the longer you hold out, is this is your bodies way of "urging" you to fix the problem, where as your conscience knows that its not a problem persay, your subconscience finds that something is way diffrent then before, and there for wants to make sure that you fix this, it wills you to eat so that the food will go to your blood stream and "Water down" the stuff thats making you feel so good.....

The passing out part comes from your bodies way of saying, alright we have energy, we have watered down, now just chill out why we make everything better... We will poke you when were done.. peace..

Some people have a better ability to ignore their bodies impulses for food, if this is a good thing or not just completely depends on what it is.. but people who tell you that its all in your head are the poeple that can ignore these impulses, what I wonder though is if they know that EVERYTHING is in your head lol...


part of my evening ritual often includes a cup of terramin clay mixed with water which is, as you can imagine, very filling, plus it cleans and detoxifies your innards.
this is sipped either prior to my vape session or during.
as it makes me thirsty as vaping does, i also keep a military surplus canteen filled with chilled water at the ready.
or - I sip warm tea through my vape session.
drinking tea is perfect for the vaporist - highly recommended.

other option when i'm actually really hungry and i don't want to stuff myself with crap is to munch on a bag of baby carrots. also highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
Just take some metamucil or psyllium husk right after you eat your meals and when you vape you won't get hungry or not have the munchies bad.

What metamucil/psyllium husk does is slow down food absorption as well as keep moisture in your intestines due to the mucilage content of the pysllium husk but it also keeps the nutrients it in your system longer so you will stretch what you eat further than normal which means no munchies.

You will also be regular and have a healthier gut due to the bacteria fermenting the soluble fiber as well as making short chain fatty acids from it and that lowers glucose levels, keep intestines healthy, rev up immune system and provide a little energy for the body.

Make sure you get the original smooth textured metamucil or plain psyllium husk because the flavored kind has too much sugar and less psyllium husk per serving and you should get 18 grams of soluble fiber per tablespoon to get a real noticeable effect on the body.

To get an added boost of gaba to put you in an enjoyable and peaceful state when puffing herb get some Metamucil Clear & Natural and take it with the method I previously described. It is the inulin fiber and the bacteria in the gut really love this and they ferment it into short chain acids such butyric acid which helps from GABA. Gaba gives that relaxing effect you get from tobacco, alcohol or kava but instead of using these things get some L-theanine(suntheanine brand) take it with the fiber drink and meals and you will be feeling good all day. Make sure you move daily to make sure your metabolism is going so the gaba can be made efficiently.


Well-Known Member
Trixer said:
Ok heres my secret to ocmbating munchies that I tell all my friends, cause I used to be one of those dudes who would rip through a pantry with the furry of whinnie the poo to a honey pot after a good tasty treat lol.

So, this both healthy and great way to curve munchies, is to take a piece of bread or half piece (or nothing if you already have something in your stomic) and take a multi vit of some sort.. sadly most of them look like horse pills but its perfect munchies, it gives your body something to proccess and its healthy... believe it or not it really works (friend of mine told me about it and I thought he was retarded lol)

Also dont do this if you have an empty stomic.. put anything solid in you before you do this, it dosnt matter if its a small piece of bread, a couple chips, or a piece of leatuce. if not you will throw up (its wierd, its like something you can completely depend apon happening everytime lol, friend also warned me of this.. i thought he was retarded lol)

Now one thing I would like to note, is that munchies is a completely real thing, and the reason that you want to eat more the longer you hold out, is this is your bodies way of "urging" you to fix the problem, where as your conscience knows that its not a problem persay, your subconscience finds that something is way diffrent then before, and there for wants to make sure that you fix this, it wills you to eat so that the food will go to your blood stream and "Water down" the stuff thats making you feel so good.....

The passing out part comes from your bodies way of saying, alright we have energy, we have watered down, now just chill out why we make everything better... We will poke you when were done.. peace..

Some people have a better ability to ignore their bodies impulses for food, if this is a good thing or not just completely depends on what it is.. but people who tell you that its all in your head are the poeple that can ignore these impulses, what I wonder though is if they know that EVERYTHING is in your head lol...
LOL we have a winner !!! I used to take those pills back in the day. What away to get back on them. Most are 1 a day so it will be my ace in the hole.
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