Do your fiends hate or love vaporizers?


Glass Blower
All my friends cant stand vapes, vaping or anything related "yo lets just smoke, so much easier" it just makes me want to go crazy, but yet when i bust out a portable concentrate vape, then its a whole diff story, everyone just wants to hit the omicron or revolution now.

I cant stand the retards saying "uhh its just not the same bro i dunno if im getting a hit?" this is the kinda stuff that just drives me away from cannabis :/

is it so hard to just GET that flame + plant = wasted? seriously JUST GET IT! people are so stupid!

also can you even grab anyone's attention span for more then 3 seconds to explain how a concentrate vape even works, without being uninterrupted mid-sentance "UH WAIT, WAIT....HOLD UP BRO, IZ THAT FUCKN HASH?!"


Apprentice Daydreamer
People, who don't care of the smoke's effect on health. People, who don't care, how much herbs they use, just want high NOW. Trying to convert people like this to vapes is pointless. If someone acts like this, let him keep his loved smoke and vape yourself because you know what is good for you :).

IMO only setting that can satisfy these people is very high temp setting that almost combusts herbs. You know that it's too high and not as healthy and maybe some waste too. But they could like it, because it will hit hard and more with their known couch-lock effect. And still more efficient than combustion. If they say now it's not working for them they're trollling.

Instead introduce vapes to people who have some respect for the herb and their health and you can expect cheerful acceptance.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I have many friends who will never buy a vaporizer but will every time use one if they can.. All of them who tested my MW/DBV/UD were totally blown away.. I even have one friend that doesnt want to vape cuz he is getting too high and claims that he is getting panic attacks and things that his life is going to end... You won't believe it till you see it :rolleyes:
Abysmal Vapor,


vapor accessory addict
Every friend I have that I have introduced to vaping now vapes. :D They all love the clean flavor and clear high. There was only one friend that had a hard time changing over, and even she only vapes now.


Wych Doctor
I have a mix. A few friends have now switched to vaping. Most others are more then happy when were out and about to take a few sips off my MFLB or to hit the EQ through water at home. But most of them are cigarette smokers too and I think that is the hardest part - giving up the nicotine. I do have 2 friends that smoke ciggies but now vape herb exclusively as they like the high and conservation better.


Well-Known Member
a couple friends use it when i provide it, but prefer smoking for ease of use.

they see vaporizers as a large expense item. They dont see the long term, only the short term

the vapes ive had to introduce them too were poor group session vapes also. To pass around a log vape with 4-5 ppl is time consuming and ineffecient. and they all had no patience to master the MFLB


Well-Known Member
a lot of mine do like my VG and will hit it when offered, but a lot of them prefer joints(mixed with tobacco)
and a select few don't want to try it at all, especially one friend who has never tried vaping and edibles neither
but my VG is less convenient in larger groups, and most often we are in larger groups, also often there's someone who never tried it and then I have to explain it again, and most who try it first or haven't done it often want me to hold the lighter, and that's more hassle for me
and there's mpre risk for combustion, especially with one friend who is proud of his giant hits he gets while burning the whole bowl, then I explain that's not the purpose and that he's doing it wrong and ruining the weed left, and the next turn he does exactly the same, so I decided after that happened multiple times on multiple ocassions that he never gets to use my VG again

so now I usually just keep my VG for myself while they only smoke joints, if someone asks if they can get a hit from my VG I will gladly offer it them(except that one friend ofcourse), but I'm not just passing it around anymore, too much hassle and too much wasted stash
only with some friends in smaller groups(4-5 people or so) I do pass my VG around, friends that know how to use it


Well-Known Member
I went to a birthday house party last night, maxed at around 30 people, and brought the underdog twig.

Not one person didn't get decent rip and a friend of mine who normally don't like my vapes was giving me big thumbs up.

Type of vape has everything to do with it, that same friend has never been able to get visible vapor off a vaporgenie.

There's not a lot of affordable vaporizers with zero learning curve, unfortunately. Definitely a hand full under $200 though.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, it's not so much that people do not understand the concept or haven't heard the positives before. But rather it's just previous experiences with crappy vapes that cause criticism.

"Vaporizer? You mean one of those pencil sharpener looking things? I tried it before and didn't like it."


Well-Known Member
I find its the need for the nicotine and the stoned effect from poisoning your body that is the major hindrance. My friend and i decided to give up the old backy together and we had never tried vaporizers before.

So we did our research and got a SSV and VoS, for ages we insisted that it was impossible to get as stoned from a vape and we missed that deep set buzz but it was due in part to the fact we were expecting it lol. Now if i smoke backy its horrible and i dont enjoy it and although if not able to vape i will take a pull or two on a pure spliff i will always vape if possible.

My friends who vape at my house still go out to smoke a spliff periodically as the vape is not getting them high lol.


Out to lunch
Xchadb said:
I cant stand the retards saying "uhh its just not the same bro i dunno if im getting a hit?" this is the kinda stuff that just drives me away from cannabis
There are a lot of people who have little to no interest in vaping, especially young people who find smoking so much easier to deal with (and let's face it, it is), and have no throat or lung issues with smoke. The attitude is, 'smoking is easy, no hardware necessary, and I like the high'. That doesn't make 'em retards.

technique said:
I find its the need for the nicotine and the stoned effect from poisoning your body that is the major hindrance.
I'd agree with the difference in high that smoking provides-much more of a couchlock effect. As for the nicotine effect being a factor, that depends on your location. In the US mixing herb with tobacco isn't the norm.


Noob Saibot
When I was a kid, there was an even younger set of kids in my neighborhood that would use the paper off of dry cleaner hangers to roll joints with. When that paper wasn't available, it was a brown paper bag, or god know what else.

I felt bad for these kids, but hey, we all have to learn.

I think it takes a little more intelligence to appreciate a vaporizer. For me, that appreciation came when I realized I can save some money when I was in a tight spot financially. I had to reduce my 5+ gram/day habit. I reduced it to about 1G/day or less.

After appreciating a vape - you realize it's just another, and usually better or healthier way, to enjoy yourself.


Well-Known Member
sessnet said:
When I was a kid, there was an even younger set of kids in my neighborhood that would use the paper off of dry cleaner hangers to roll joints with. When that paper wasn't available, it was a brown paper bag, or god know what else.

That remind me of a friend of mine who went to Amsterdam and ran out of papers at some obscene hour of the morning..... lets just say the bible in that room is missing a few pages.

(i do not condone this just telling a story)


technique said:
sessnet said:
When I was a kid, there was an even younger set of kids in my neighborhood that would use the paper off of dry cleaner hangers to roll joints with. When that paper wasn't available, it was a brown paper bag, or god know what else.

That remind me of a friend of mine who went to Amsterdam and ran out of papers at some obscene hour of the morning..... lets just say the bible in that room is missing a few pages.

(i do not condone this just telling a story)

I condone it as much as I condone smoking my favorite joke book.


Well-Known Member
at least most bibles are made from thin paper, the same kind as rolling papers(we cal it 'vloeipapier' here)
glad I never had to resort to that kind of things, when I started smoking I bought a pack of rolling papers amost right away and started practicing rolling joints, I smoked pure(as opposed to mixing with tobacco) right away since I never started smoking tobacco, later I got a pipe and eventually a vape


Active Member
yeah my friends piss me off too, I try and try to get them into vapor

but it just an afterthought for them, its always like "ok that was cool, now lets hit the bong!!!!"



Glass Blower
wow im glad im not the only one, sounds like everyone's experience sounds just like all the ones ive had with friends. Oh and for the record, yeah my friends are retarded..."smoking is easier" wow really? vaporizing isnt very hard at all, that just makes you look lazy as hell, good luck getting anything else accomplished if you cant even make an effort to make yourself feel better, haha!

its just the fact that they would rather take the easy way out, smell like shit, be hard on your lungs.... i feel like sometimes people just dont feel right with vapes cause thats not how they grew up.

i must say after being that damn stoner that always has a smelly pipe in thier pocket or ash tray in car, black resin shit on all fingers and bottoms of lighters.......and lighters EVERYWHERE. Bent sticky black tar paperclips that leave black crap all over the place. soda cans with cached bowls and roaches that smell. call me spoiled but i dont miss all that crap.

i honestly think vapes are easier in my life, and clean as hell and self contained. also saves me money.:D


Active Member
Xchadb said:
i must say after being that damn stoner that always has a smelly pipe in thier pocket or ash tray in car, black resin shit on all fingers and bottoms of lighters.......and lighters EVERYWHERE. Bent sticky black tar paperclips that leave black crap all over the place.

lol at all of this,

this was me years ago hahahahaha. took days getting that tar off my fingers and nails :rolleyes:


Vapes Hard
Xchadb said:
i must say after being that damn stoner that always has a smelly pipe in thier pocket or ash tray in car, black resin shit on all fingers and bottoms of lighters.......and lighters EVERYWHERE ... i dont miss all that crap.

i honestly think vapes are easier in my life, and clean as hell and self contained. also saves me money.:D

I agree too, man. Vapes are the best thing since sliced bread.

One friend of mine, count 'em, one, has made the switch fully to vapor and loves his DBV, all my other friends think we're wacko. If only they understood the many benefits. Kind of sucks though, I don't end up partaking with a lot of these friends as much anymore. Just because I don't want to "match" a day's worth of vaping material with them, only to watch it go up quickly in smoke... different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Well-Known Member
I def have friends that don't like vapes. I also have friends that like them and don't use them correctly.

I've got a couple buds who love 'em and take them time to learn to use emthey still get the bud too hot occasionally; hell, it's not their vape. But guess what? They're the friends I actually sesh with now.


Active Member
brought out the SSV today to a friend's house and cranked the temps up, we were all pretty :ko:

this might be the recipe for those that don't want to change

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I have some friends who don't fit the FC mould at all, but none of them hate vaping.

I know someone who likes the vape high, but can't stand the taste of vaping (it tastes "too green") :o

And another who doesn't mind vaping, but prefers combustion.
When he does vape, he prefers bags over whip.

Frederick McGuire,


Great Scott!
My earlier experiences with the Vapir 5.0 almost turned me away from vaping for good. That was simply a very poor choice first vape. I'm glad I stuck with it. As much as we all know the volcano is not the best vape in the world, that or a log vape are best to introduce people with. The bags can't be done wrong. Fill it and suck it in. Same thing with a log stem. I think if more people started off with easier to use vapes, more people would stick with it.
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