I am a coffee addict also. I love a mug pretty much anytime, having 4-5 throughout a day usually. I also drink lots of hot tea now though because it's a condition of residence in England. Upon entering the country, they made me sign a binding oath to drink at least 2 cups of tea daily. Preferably more, but that's the bare minimum. I've come to embrace the notion that whatever life may throw at you, it can be improved upon with a nice cuppa. But back on topic:
I used an aeropress for years at my office in 2005 or 6. Loved it, the crema it can produce is just like a steamed espresso. A truly amazing and wonderful invention. I still have one somewhere... Until a few years ago, I did the fresh roast/burr-grinder/industrial coffee-maker deal for many years. A real snob. Then I got lazy! Now we have a Nespresso machine w/milk warmer/frother and it kicks ass. My wife likes to spoil me because she wants her baby to have pretty things. I find its coffee to have way more true coffee
kick than the Tassimo or Kuerig pods do.
Kuerig dominate the American home market, while Nespresso does in Europe IIRC. Nespresso was smart and got their machines in the nicer suites of most top Euro-Hotels several years back. Once you've tried one, you really want one. But of our friends in the states who have a pod-type machine, all are Kuerig. Except my in-laws, they've had a Nespresso machine for years because they fell in love with them while traveling throughout Europe. I'm telling you, they're that good.
Weird but true story: I always took my coffee black for decades. Then 6 years ago, while in the hospital after nearly dying of an extremely rare and atypical type of Crohn's Disease, it immediately began to taste like dirt. So now I take my coffee with milk and some raw sugar, like a child. I know, I know, CANNABIS is safer than milk, don't tell
@ataxian please... I hope I switch back to black someday! It's just that dairy stuff in general throughout Europe is sooooo superior than what is available in the states. I never ate cheese and butter like I do now, but my heart and cholesterol and all that is excellent so I don't know...

When the devil tempts me, I say "OK!"