After a few weeks of straight vaping I rolled a little doobie just to see if I could still do it without coughing my lungs out like a novice. That was before a party where I knew a lot of fellow tokers from the old days would be present. I was 51 then, so occasions like this are rare, normally I would be the only stoner around. I was quote surprised how little it affected me, mainly I guess because the weed I smoked was well cured. It didn't taste that great, but it was bearable. Turned a bit nasty though when I was in the last third of it. I noticed though how I started to dislike the effect of the carbon monoxide. It kinda dulled the experience, and I felt considerably less high. I managed the party well, smoked a lot, coughed a bit and got a headache after some hours of oxygen deprivation. That was about a year ago, and I only smoked a jay when a friend (as in one, cause only one friend of mine is still toking) would offer me a joint. Occasionally I'll try to turn him on to the vaping side of life, but I'm not that much of a proselytiser and he is compensating his kicking the tobbacco just recently, so I'll give him some time

. I wouldn't miss a bit if I never smoked again.