Do you ever, like, vape the stem?


Extremely Moist
not sure this warrants a new thread or not. Only one way to find out.

Last night I was out at my hangout, drinking beers and hitting my Tiny Might. I use an Ed's TNT wooden stem packed with quartz balls for cooling. I'm about a week overdue on a cleaning and it's getting pretty hard to draw from all the honey that gets trapped in there. As the evening wore on, I ran out of dosing caps. What can I say, it was a good time?

So I'm out, and my buddies are going out for a smoke and I'm out of bud. I'd done it before, first by accident, but this time it was going to be on purpose: I was going to vape my stem!

I started out on a 5 and took a pull and got some surprisingly good clouds out of it. So I bumped it up to 6 for my next hit. Oh lawdy, I pulled a big cloud out of that thing. I risked one more at 6.5 and got proper fucked. Big clouds. Tasted like hash. It was a good night.

I am currently soaking my cooling balls in iso. nothing like a clean stem for the weekend.


cantre member
I like to put the gooey balls in the wand cup and stir'em with a steel dab tool while heating, gets a few nice dab hits before iso soaking. more efficient than power heating the stem.
ps if you usually do low temp roasts, the reclaim is really tasty.
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Extremely Moist
I like to put the gooey balls in the wand cup and stir'em with a steel dab tool while heating, gets a few nice dab hits before iso soaking. more efficient than power heating the stem.
ps if you usually do low temp roasts, the reclaim is really tasty.

These are pro tips right here. Cheers!

edit to add: yeah, I'm a low to mid temperature vape guy. I like 4-7 on the dial and usually run the TM somewhere in that range with the stem. Lower with my glass pieces. Higher with WPA for Big Milky Clouds™️.
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