DMT Vaporization


Dabs are vapor too!
No offense, but first off, you actually have to HAVE some DMT :) Second, if you use that fancy vape with DMT, it's liable to forever smell like it (kind of like new sneakers). Trust me - you don't want to risk that. If you want more info, head over to all your questions will be answered!


New Member
None taken. The device is for exclusive dedicated DMT use, and nothing else.
Are there any ideas on the temperature settings for someone who is not me who knows they have to have some DMT.


Dabs are vapor too!
That SWIM stuff kinda died out :)
I believe temps are discussed on the link I gave you, but if I saw it, I can't remember.


Well-Known Member
None taken. The device is for exclusive dedicated DMT use, and nothing else.
Are there any ideas on the temperature settings for someone who is not me who knows they have to have some DMT.
I'm not sure what temperature it vaporizes at, but you could find this info I'm sure. Worse case scenario you could calculate it.

I think the biggest thing is that every vaporizer is going to have slight variance in the temp it will apply to the material over what you can set it. It's very unlikely thermal equilibrium will be reached, even in an expensive desktop device like the sublimator, in the time it takes to go through physical state changes.

From my experience, it liquefied very quickly in the MFLB (which no longer smells like DMT, I don't think it's as big a deal as it initially smells, it does subside) which would lead me to believe it would have a lower vaporizing temperature than THC (~156C).

As you are extremely unlikely to happen upon specific experiences with DMT and a particular vaporizer model, I think the best bet would be to start at higher temps (~180C) and work your way down (or up, perhaps).

Typically, if you were to vaporize DMT using a lightbulb and a cigarette lighter, the temps it would reach would be much hotter than this. You'll have to use trial and error to figure out what works best with your tools, environment and person. Good luck.


New Member
100% n00b question:

How can you tell? What makes a temperature variation of 5°C-10°C better than the other?


Well-Known Member
Too low and it won't vaporize, too hot and it tastes really bad.......
Pretty much this, though it's not going to be super tasty regardless. The key to DMT ingestion is the first 15 seconds of inhalation, or so I've heard. In this time, the more DMT you inhale, the exponentially more high you get. Higher temps are just going to yield thicker vapour, which will taste more strong and also be more effective.
You ideally just want to find a sweet spot with your application of use, be it smoking, vaping or heating off a spoon, such that you can accurately replicate it so you can moderate dosage.

DMT is not about how you inhale it, it's about the aftermath. There are many ways to get there.
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Dabs are vapor too!
Def. not going to be super tasty :lol: One small bit of might wanna take it slow....this stuff is powerful medicine. It comes on very fast, easy to get overwhelmed, it's the Ferrari of psychedelics.


New Member
What would you do. I found this guy using the exact same device, the Crafty, saying that:
"The correct vaping temperature for DMT is 150°C. Much higher, it will get harsh, and it will be burnt. At 150°C, you can pull it without feeling much resistance at all"

And then I found another post saying:

"The boiling point of DMT freebase seems to be around 160°C and with a vaporizer you might want to set the temperature around 180°C for a solid and constant vaporization.

I myself am testing with the Plenty vaporizer and using the liquid pad that you get with it, I can vape around 5-10mg of DMT in one pull, depending on your lung capacity and how deep you want to inhale. So to vape 25mg of DMT freebase with the Plenty you need around 3 deep pulls."

The Plenty is made by the same company as the Crafty as you may know.

But what do I make of the first guy saying set DMT to 150°C and the second guy saying the boiling point itself is 10°C higher at 160°C and to set the temperature to 180°C.

Playing trial & error with this thing and using "taste" as a barometer is problematic since you have to have a reference to do something like that.

Bottom line, how would you handle the temperature setting?


Apprentice Daydreamer
150°C sounds reasonable. 180°C could be too high. Arizer Extreme Q on 180°C combusts it.
Taste can be a good indicator, dmt tastes awfully harsh when it combusts even slightly.
But it's smooth, sweet and tastes just like how the fresh powder smells when its vaporizerd correctly.
The taste difference between combusted and vaped dmt is huge.


Well-Known Member
That's why I can't understand why it has to stink so much if vaporized.
Smells like flowers but then the bowl reeks of combusted DMT?


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, whatever you do you just want it to work.
It's not at all important to get it perfect, and it would take a lot of experimenting to figure out what that would even be.
Those temps you've found in your research probably don't state the ambient temperature, and so there really isn't any way to scientifically say much still. Anecdotally they fall in line with the recommendations here; and so I would stick with a 180°C starting temp, depending on the device.

The purity of the extract will also impact the efficiency and potency of that vapour, and so that could explain the differences people have found even with similar devices.

There are many options to use DMT, rolling it into a cigarette, smoking it in a bong, even a crack pipe would be perfect... if you have no reference for its effect it may be better to stick with the tried and trusted methods first.
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New Member
The device is the Crafty. This:

The ambient temperature, the room temperature is 24°C.
DMT quality is very pure.

You advise 180°C whereas the poster above states that 180°C combusts it on another device.
I suppose I do have the one thread I linked to:
where the user specifically mentions 150°C for the Crafty and really the 180°C was mentioned for another device, the Plenty.

So I suppose starting with 150°C may be better rather then starting with 180°C and combusting it?


Well-Known Member
The device is the Crafty. This:

The ambient temperature, the room temperature is 24°C.
DMT quality is very pure.

You advise 180°C whereas the poster above states that 180°C combusts it on another device.
I suppose I do have the one thread I linked to:
where the user specifically mentions 150°C for the Crafty and really the 180°C was mentioned for another device, the Plenty.

So I suppose starting with 150°C may be better rather then starting with 180°C and combusting it?
It would probably be safer to try 150°C I suppose. The crafty is a convection based unit and I would guess its thermometer reading is fairly accurate to the applied material, not averaged out over a tiny external span like the Arizer EQ or other devices. 180 seems very low for any combustion worth worrying about, it would for sure taste more bitter and less sweet, but perhaps it's best to stay below it as per Seek's experience and what you've found.

I would buy a spare mouthpiece to use, ideally. The smell should go away with use, but it is a slow process.

EDIT- I initially wished to convey; I think higher temps would work more effectively at rapidly vaporizing the material. The ideal with a DMT trip is you want to have exactly the amount of extract for the potency you strive for as close to immediately as possible. DMT is not best suited for sipping seshes, but I'm sure that's one of the most pleasant pastimes available also.
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Well-Known Member
I've tried various ways of doing DMT. The machine, an oil burner, foil, on top of an ash pile/green. All of them are terrible. Possibly user error but terrible taste, choking me out with very little vapor.

So I have this micro nectar collector I decided to try. Heated the tip up red hot and "dabbed" it off the glass dish. It was super smooth, I could take huge hits and loved it. The tip being too hot is not a concern because the DMT vaporizes before the tip actually touches it.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit folks, hadn't entered hyperspace for some time when I stumbled across an old dab rig of mine with a Chinese quartz banger and thought 'What the hey, lets see what this beast's got'.

So I loaded up 26mg of DMT into a folded business card, warmed the banger, and when I thought it had cooled to suitably DMT levels poured the lot into the cup. . .

What ensued was one of the most potent hits of DMT, I've had, much more equatable to 40-45mg in my vapor genie classic. Complete immersion, the DMT shapes, bold, vibrant simple colours forming and changing before my vision. I wasn't sure if my eyes were open or closed. It was stunning, the futuristic visions from this stuff never cease to amaze me, I was approached by entities which I could not see but their presence was felt. It was fucking great!

This dab rig so far has been the most efficient and easy method for getting a potent hit that I have found, though that nectar collector idea in the post above sounds amazing, if not better. But this development has led to me doing a few tokes in the last few days. I love DMT so much, it is unparalleled by any other drug. I just cannot believe its a thing.


I will get Mighty on Monday so I am wondering how to vape DMT? Will I need to use this liquid thing on Mighty? I will put DMT into Mighty and then set the temperature around 170-180 and then inhale...

Holy shit folks, hadn't entered hyperspace for some time when I stumbled across an old dab rig of mine with a Chinese quartz banger and thought 'What the hey, lets see what this beast's got'.

So I loaded up 26mg of DMT into a folded business card, warmed the banger, and when I thought it had cooled to suitably DMT levels poured the lot into the cup. . .

What ensued was one of the most potent hits of DMT, I've had, much more equatable to 40-45mg in my vapor genie classic. Complete immersion, the DMT shapes, bold, vibrant simple colours forming and changing before my vision. I wasn't sure if my eyes were open or closed. It was stunning, the futuristic visions from this stuff never cease to amaze me, I was approached by entities which I could not see but their presence was felt. It was fucking great!

This dab rig so far has been the most efficient and easy method for getting a potent hit that I have found, though that nectar collector idea in the post above sounds amazing, if not better. But this development has led to me doing a few tokes in the last few days. I love DMT so much, it is unparalleled by any other drug. I just cannot believe its a thing.

Thanks to DMT I am investing so much money for a vaporizer. I really want to vape DMT!
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Well-Known Member
Just dab it.
It's a LOT easier than any other method...
I mean, Changa is DOPE! but not everyone has access to it or they lack the know-how to create their own mix of it.

yeah...just dab the shit...enter hyper-space and say goodbye to your ego.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I need to do some research or search out reading material...I find this very intriguing.
I have a MFLB Muad Dib that hasn't been used in quite some time, or I could grab a Source Orb 4 kit with the ceramic donut and all.

If the money part wasn't a concern, would you go with the Source Orb 4 or give the MFLB a run?

I don't really want to try in the Cloud EVO w/ nail or buy a torch and quartz banger - I'd prefer to not accidentally knock over anything expensive/glass when it hits.
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Well-Known Member
I've never used one of those vape pens to try dmt but I feel it would have the same effect as trying to smoke it with a lighter... wasteful, bad tasting, take your breath away...

Maybe if you heat the coil up before pouring the dmt in it would work better. You want to instantly vaporizer it not heat it up until it is a vapor.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if using a convection vaporizer might make a difference, and or do the trick?
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