This is from the ineedhemp website listing for the QQ:
If using TCR 470 or TC-Ni mode (TCR 600) I think that high # is probably "padding in" some additional heater-coil warmup to factor in for the delayed heat transfer to the quartz cup. I would expect the "real" accurate TCR # of the rods themselves to be in the 200-300 range, for matching surface temps and mod screen numbers on direct-conduction vaping, like with the V3 or the new jetstream RDA.
My new, final version QQ is in the mail too, so I'll look forward to testing out these ceramic rods in a stand-alone TCR tuning session, and then try to convert that to a fairly stable, accurate, higher TCR # to combine the rods + quartz cup heat profile. Maybe Matt is already pretty close at TCR 470?
This could be quite a project for the TC nerds to find the best way to tune the QQ. TFR / FSK modes are probably useless for this atty. Plain TCR mode has it's limitations, but when used with PI control and some pre-heat, maybe we can get something closer to the stable temp control we seek?
Should be no need to discharge 70 watts anywhere near that long, that would exceed the limits of most people's equipment and will probably break stuff. TC operation should regulate max watts to just a few seconds at a time.
15 second cut offs may be annoying, but it seems the QQ atty might benefit from brief, non-button-pressing breaks in between power cycles, as to not over-heat the quartz cup.
This also makes
"tubomyevic" firmwmare a tempting option to free up your thumbs during an extended session with the "cruise mode"

It works with many mods that people use with DT products. (many joye-leaf-smec models) I've already mused about how that firmware could be a great match for the DC Gen 2 herb atty also, but I don't use that vape much, and the good word is slow to spread
I think you'll be ok with the Vtwo mini single-cell mod and the new QQ. Running 70w isn't necessary, you can go lower for a slightly slower warmup to be easier on the batteries. It looks like Matt is lowering the recommended wattage a bit, also. It looks like he did all his testing on a 75w pico, while I used 2 cell mods, I think it is more advisable to get a 510 adapter / heat sink to protect your mod on extended usage. The battery and mod work alot better if they can stay cool, and the new QQ atty radiates much more heat than the V3

(but similar to the Gen2 herb?)
But don't let that discourage you from getting some bigger mods if you want that to be a pretext

A 2 or 3-cell mod will let you get many more sessions between charges, obviously, and it won't work the batteries as hard and hot, although extended QQ use can still overheat the CPU on a multi-cell mod too, with a little more work (that might take 4-5 very rapid back to back sessions? who wants to force-feed vape to themselves to make their mod's CPU overheat with the QQ?
for science! 
Just my

, I think you should just buy the whole QQ kit, (not just the parts) b/c the cup stand-alone is very tall, narrow, and would be difficult to mount in a very stable way in the type of e-cig RDAs you use, and it could be even more difficult to target some airflow into the cup. This quartz cup without well-targeted airflow would probably work poorly, if at all.
Get the whole atomizer/kit, and you can remove the quartz cup and heaters to try it in an RDA application if you think it may work, and then you can fall back to the complete QQ atty setup after that fails
The ceramic rods are neither "solid ceramic" nor "porous" IMO, it's somewhere in between. It's not like a really smooth, crystalline macro-surface like a quartz banger; it does have some texture. But it doesn't "wick up" or absorb much oil into its surface like a generic silica ccell coil, or the SiC wick on W9 products do, oil can "roll off" the rods like on a ceramic donut. These alumina ceramic rods actually can wipe / swab clean pretty easily when you heat them mildly, like the donuts. And you can give it a good scrape or scratch, the ceramic will stay intact, not falling to dust or flakes.
In the configuration shown there, I can see some oil rolling off the rods during usage, but NBD, that's what dab tools are for, just scoop it back up on top where the heat is to finish the session if you want. Lots of people are already doing that with toothpicks and skinny dab tools with the V3 donuts and cups.
I do agree it would be nice to have more mouthpiece options, like a removable 510-drip tip. (An 810 drip tip would probably be an invitation for splashed oil to touch your lip, and all that extra airflow & diameter at the MP opening will be un-needed and wasted with the limited airflow tubes on the cap)
Metal tips are ok sometimes, but they do get that lip gunk. I have big crusty vaper lips so I know about that.

Just gotta wipe it off as needed
Adjustable airflow would be really cool, but I don't know how you can implement that on this jetstream RDA? The whole concept is heavily reliant on the angled-air-tubes shooting air diagonally, from up top, onto the build deck. Maybe with some airflow control ring regulating the air intake to the 2 tubes, like on some of the better RTAs, but that would be rather large and complex (never been done yet in a concentrate RDA? Not in the VV pulse? But in the govad yes?) so I don't see that in the future of this to speculate though....