I wanted to post a vid of my front-line service mod serving a nice dab on my prized rig (I feel like it should have a name)
I would put it on youtube but I don't want to be forced into opening another G+ account I don't need

Maybe I should just do that again? At least you can watch the video in your browser, this way appears to just let you download it and watch it. Any suggestions for a video upload site, one that won't reduce the quality I'd hope?
Anyways, its my stainless steel cuboid @ TCR 245, 25W, 380F. Put a small micro bead of some "black sheep" shatter, took a couple hits but those videos didnt turn out that great. Third hit still had alot left as this video can show, and the video is more watchable.
This brings up a topic I'd love to see and hear how you guys are doing it:
bubblers and rigs with the DT CDA. Anyone else wanna share? I'm especially interested in seeing other people's handheld, 1-piece bubbler attachments that hook up directly (or adapt easily) to the v2.5 base. I remember several pages back, maybe steven, elmoe, fernand or some of the guys, were showing some cool bubblers that I wanted to find out more info about, but I wasn't a registered user back then.
I've no doubt the results are there, must be more like 'doing dabs' on a hot nail?
Oh yea... that's how I like it.

IMO, 25w TC joyetech dabbing is much smoother and more reliable than dabbing a hot nail or e-nail. The vape quality is actually quite similar to 12W TC dabs. It's been a real long time since I tried at 12w, not since evic firmware was v1.03 (way back) so I went and tried it again.
I dabbed for science, for you guys

Clean donut, fresh reload, 12w vapor was very smooth and nice, but it seems like it took 4 seconds, or 4 display cycles / updates to reach temp and produce vape, leaving me 6 seconds to get a hit. I could cycle the button for more but that's not my style.
Vaped the bowl clean, several hits, reload, went back to 25w I'm used to. It reaches temp in 2 screen cycles and makes vape in under 2 seconds, leaving me with 8+ seconds to milk the donut for vape. There's alot more vape to get, and it's quality isn't noticeably worse than 12w. Same pretty much for evic vtc or cuboid.
I think the new guys should also know this is WAY out of the specified range (12 Watts or less), is strongly discouraged by the maker ('please don't run over 12 Watts') and I believe voids the warranty? Your device, your call, but I recommend some research into this.....make it an informed decision?
True, but I think Matt recommends that with an abundance of caution and an assumption of ham-handed and insensitive usage habits. I would consider the DT CDA kind of an "advanced user" product that works much better with caution, fine tuning, and specific procedures and maintenance, rather than a type of "top that shit off and let it rip MAX POWER!!!" attitude. (i have friends like that

IME, DT CDA can take alot of abuse at fixed, VW devices up to 12-14w steadily and repeatedly, but I wouldn 't recommend it (burnt hash sucks yuck) If your device is dirty, not reading resistances clearly, or is of a disreputable brand, you can bust donuts at wattage ranges that normally should not. I had a crappy wotofo mod a while back that busted a donut @ TC-Ni only 200F because it thought my base was 1.1 ohm... poof
FWIW, for a short time I ran my evic VT and VTCs at 60 and 75W, repsectively. And it never harmed a donut one little bit. Vapor quality wasn't as good as lower watts, but it wasn't bad. The key here is that joyetech mods, apparently, measure coil resistance very quickly and accurately, and dynamically during your puff. So while it may have blasted my coil with 75w, it measured its effect and compensated for that so quickly... then 25w then 14w, 12, 10, all within 1500ms maybe. The donut can take
very brief pulses of high watts...if your mod can measure it and dispense it well enough.
This makes me want to bring up the good ol'
eleaf istick 40W TC. If Mat was super-firm that no one give his attys more than 12w of juice, why would he still sell these mods, says that he likes them, and recommend using TC-Ni? It's hammering your coil with 40W every time you press fire. Sure, it overcompensates and dials back to around 9-12W once "protection" clears, but I feel that many eleaf mods are measuring your atomizer coil and adjusting power output at a much slower, if not, less accurate rate than the joyetech mods I have used. I've never heard of anyone busting a donut on the istick 40w on TC-ni, at reasonable temperatures with a properly measured base resistance. And that coil will be seeing alot of 40W time. That's why I didn't like the istick 40W TC, it makes a too-hot almost burny vape at first click, only to fluctuate in a cycle of over/under-compensating wattage until 10 seconds passes. I felt like using this mod fouled my donuts with dark crust more quickly than the evic because of this. In using the istick with a glass globe and rig, the uneven, pulsing pattern of vape production was evident as well, something you can't easily observe with the normal mouthpiece against your lips.
Fortunately for me, I was able to sell my 3 isticks to friends who still use them, and eventually moved on to the vape rainbow that is the 6 different evic VTC colors.

The istick 40w was groundbreaking for it's time and punched above it's weight, but being able to set max watts in TC mode is a huge plus, obviously, and desirable in any mod one buys.
So anyways, I'm not trying to say my way of milking the donut is
the right way, or
better. It's just a different setup one can use to get fatter rips with no noticeable drop in vapor quality, and is very safe for your donut. Been doin' this for many months on a dozen plus bases now haven't lost 1
OF, all of you guys, I challenge you to try 25w rips. You strike me as a man of science.
Do it for science!
I bet you'll like it.
I'm not sure when the Cuboid came out, I'm new to most of this. I came across it looking for other low power, compact mods that had useful TC modes a month or so back when I got mine and started talking about it. With a few small changes it's basically a (slightly larger) dual battery Mini.
Hey cool, somehow I missed this earlier. I got a gold one on the way now, I like how it will have the bigger screen in a slightly smaller size, not very pricey, and it has the (IMO) superior joyetech software and hardware that I'm familiar with. Plus I'm a sucker for cool shiney colors
I've been aware of the istick 100w but don't like the design and button so much...although that's cool how you turned the spare battery space into a stash spot.

The pico is my favorite eleaf mod at the moment. I still like my evic's a bit more but I think my picos will hold a spot in my rotation for a while
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