I understand the difference in the two power supplies, but want to learn more specifically about the difference in the two heater configurations, and how this affects the vapor.
Well, I can really only give my personal opinion on any of these matters, but I would say that vapor-wise, I can achieve very similar, wonderfully flavorful & hard hitting results with both devices. Some may call it a signature. And IMO, with both of RBT's current production vaporizers, I think this characteristic is quite strongly pronounced, and it is (imo) very much akin to the pair. So although the heaters are different in some way, it is more to do with the way in which they are used that sets them apart, rather than the actual heater that is inside.
And of course, the size of the over-all unit & the intended amount of power available would perhaps have had some bearing on how the heater has been implemented in each device . . . . well, that's my thinking, however, I did not design, engineer or build them. But I do use them, and my Zion does have more top-end available, when compared to my Milaana. Handy for concentrates.
Howz that? About as clear as mud?
Sorry if I've just added to the haze.
Maybe it's time to get the lasers out . . . . .
. . . . I loves me some lasers and a bit of Haze