I've just gotten the Miqro this week after reading/watching alot of reviews. I have to say that all in all most of the disadvantages that the reviews talked about do not apply to me, I'm a light user and the battery life is fine for me. It gets me plenty high and I love the compact and sleek form factor.
But there is one very big issue which no one seems to talk about - there is no "pure ceramic vapor path" as advertised. The device is offgassing like crazy and that's coming from an Atmos Jump user. It smells/tastes like a new car, even after several burn-off sessions on max heat, cleaning with iso alcohol, and even washing the removable gasket with dish soap and water.
The vapor path contains 3 rubber parts, all of which emit smells at room temperature, and 2 of them are getting pretty hot during operation: the gasket around the oven, and the silicone stem for the pearl.
All in all, I have to say I'm very disappointed since one of the main selling points for me was that "pure vapor path".
Mine too smelt pretty poor to start with, but got better quite rapidly (a quick ISO swab, and several burnoffs).
If you take a close look at the vapour-path you'll see that although the silicone gasket is quite large, and covers the entire bottom of the mouthpiece, very little of it is in the vapour-path.
In fact, as you close the mouthpiece lid, and the gasket comes down to meet the square zirconium tube in the vape body, most of it (the gasket) becomes isolated from the vapour.
The only parts of that silicone gasket that are in the vapour-path, are the end of the tiny 'nub' which locates in the edge of the mouthiece, and a very small ring of the gasket where the square tube meets it.
This comprises a handful of square mm at most, and is quite far from the heater/bowl so I very much doubt that the gasket is causing the taste.
The other two silicone parts (pearl post and lip of herb bowl) are much closer to the heat, and I suppose they could be causing the taste, but I think most have found that the taste dissapates after a while, but if yours doesn't I'd contact DV to say so as maybe there's an issue with your mIQro?
FWIW, I would describe myself as 'moderately sensitive' to nasty tastes from hot silicone etc, but I haven't suffered any robo-fart beyond the first day or two of use, and now enjoy the taste the mIQro delivers (caveat: it does still taste of conduction, rather than convection).
I hope it works out for you