I contacted Davinci on their website via chat and they priced matched the Herbalizer Store price. Much more reasonable amount. My IQ2 dropped in the mail today. Just another option, Herbalizer is a legit retailer and authorized reseller best I can tell.
I decided to buy the IQ2 after getting a deal on a Miqro, my first Davinci product. Adding the conduction to my routine was a game changer for my morning, medicinally. Thick, creamy, mouth to lung hits are something convection does not. I was surprised and impressed by the vapor quality. Smooth.
I find I quite like the conduction taste as well after the first couple fresh hits fade. Cigar-esqe or something, but not gross. A different take on vape popcorn flavor I'm used to lately, reminds me of an MFLB a bit. I have been vaping for as long as they've been in business and always wrote them off as a company because of the straight conduction element. I went the MFLB route way back when instead of Davinci, and from there Thermovape, Arizer, SSV, and on and on down the rabbit hole but never back to straight conduction device like these. Thought them kind of old tech if I'm honest.
I love the Miqro for what it is, it will still stay in rotation, but I enjoyed it enough to want a full size device. More battery power.
Interested in trying the included ceramic pod/concentrate pad, but I'm not counting on their efficacy so I grabbed the zirconia spacers too.
Really looking forward to seeing what it will do. Haven't owned any of their products long enough to comment on longevity or durability or customer service outside of my limited interaction (no luck phone, no luck email, 30 second excellent service via live chat Rosie). I intend to use it largely mouth to lung, daily, but not as a primary. Thinking I'll probably end up running an ArGo, a Davinci, and a Tinymight/Tetra as a final setup (yeah right, VAS is reeeeeaaaaallll).
Thanks everyone for your postings, I read them all. Helped me decide if I wanted to drop this much coin on a conduction vaporizer

Let you all know what I think when I get it. Legends, the lot 'o ya.