Well-Known Member
Technically when you completely plug the hole the airflow takes the shorter path through the tip and doesn't come in contact with your finger. That would be the case if you partially plugged the hole with your finger. I also find it usefull as mentionned before because the heating after the click is a bit uncertain. Sometimes you heat it a bit too much making vapor a bit too thick or roasty. Unplugging the hole in these cases allows to take the hit without coughing.I have acquired an apprehension about the normal use of the carb hole; and this is that such use means that the air inhaled comes in part from contact with my finger; A finger that I always try to keep as clean as possible, but which I see as a foreign element into the air flow. I simply don't like the idea anymore.
Edit. No you're right, this would be the case with the vapcap condenser. But I think this is mostly psychological as this wouldn't affect significantly the tate of composition of the vapor.
If off course you keep your finger in a reasonable place before

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