basement farmer
My face is melting...
I think Daisy can do quite well at stash conservation if you want her to.
Analogue devices offer complete control when mastered
You can definately hold back a bit if you want to..actualy it's quite easy to do so. But it blooms with the accelerator down and a full tank of gas.
I find the process so rewarding that I tend to want to do it over and over. good call farmer, yes like driving a big block, hard to drive it slow. I get this way with my SSV too so it's not only a 'fault' of the Daisy.
VegnVape I agree, the Daisy is one of those products that reminds me of simpler days.
I can blast the amount I put in in 1 big and 1 small shots but that is also dependent on material quality.
In my mind the butane vapes that allow visual feedback are going to be easier for beginners to use.
To me it's like being in college again...but better. Better weed and more of it plus a kick ass way to enjoy it.
We live in the Golden Age of cannabis my friends.
Been searching for a while and have narrowed it down to MFLB, Vapman, and, after lots of reading, the Daisy.
Natural materials and semi portability are important to me. Other than that, and dry herb, no other preferences.
How would you say this ranks vs the other i mentioned?
The Daisy is a monster truck. The Vapman is a Mini Cooper. The MFLB is beloved and common, but it's battery powered so it's a totally different animal that you just won't see people comparing with torch based vaporizers.