Discontinued Daisy vaporizer by Triihouse


Well-Known Member
Pulled the trigger on this one last week ,and it arrived 4 business days later.
Grinder , tweezer and lighter were included.
Very first hit was so powerful that I was doing a stupid dance trying to control my lungs. :o After that my bitch wimpy ass only took weak anemic pulls trying to get the flow.
Two days later I'm much better at eyeballin how much vapor I'm inhaling.

Oh yeah , great rips , great effects and instant vapor with no waiting.
Very durable product with no moving or heating parts should last forever.


HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
Yeh that's what I meant I'm sure the maker will stand by it . as I have used it more and more I got to say I am well impressed I can now get really thick and dense vapor Every time still using lotus on water still not sure best way to connect Daisy or even if I should bother ......


Vaped Crusader/Serial Vapist
I feel like I've 'Levelled Up':ninja: after spending a lot a time gaining Daisy 'XP points':lol:, and this thing just gets better and better, I can now reduce a bud to perfect coffee grind abv in under a minute with nothing but Daisy, a torch, and some tweezers. Perhaps its just my technique, but vapour quality has improved with use as I'd hoped, easily on par with lotus. Sure daisy is Big, but the over all experience of seeing the tube Instantly milk up with delicious vapour, clearing the tube, opening the chamber and seeing happy golden Abv, has Daisy at the top of my Butane portables. What amazes me too, is I can touch the glass heat tube seconds after using Daisy (due to incoming cold air), Touch a freshly used Lotus or Hammer in the wrong place and you will know about it.......And my favourite thing of all, the audio feedback of Daisy's Sweet Sweet whistle. Keep her purring and the clouds will follow.
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Well-Known Member
I'm still working on my technique but the results are..... stupifying.
I was so medicated that my torch missed the glass and scorched the top of the box!
I was concentrating on the vapor production in the tube and forgot where the lit torch was.
Anyways the Daisy was not damaged just bruised a little.
This thing appears to be indestructible.
The vapor production is so strong and different from my other vapes.
The high is so strong that I might only use Daisy on the weekend.... not!


HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
I'm still working on my technique but the results are..... stupifying.
I was so medicated that my torch missed the glass and scorched the top of the box!
I was concentrating on the vapor production in the tube and forgot where the lit torch was.
Anyways the Daisy was not damaged just bruised a little.
This thing appears to be indestructible.
The vapor production is so strong and different from my other vapes.
The high is so strong that I might only use Daisy on the weekend.... not!

I would could not agree more I find myself not using her until the evening when I don't have as much to do, I think its just the incredibly fast extraction process that makes the high seem stronger ,could be wrong lol

Oh forgot to say I'm sure daisy won't be bothered by a little scorching I have missed the hole on a few occasions "giggerdy" ......


I know o said I was not gonna bother but it does work......
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Well-Known Member
Anyone placed an order from the manufacture since this past weekend and had your order shipped yet? Mine still has not been shipped and I ordered late last week. I was told they are waiting on a shipment? :hmm: Im DYING of anticipation for this thing and cant stand the thought that if I would have just ordered thru Vaporstore I would probably have it by now, although I did save $15 thru Triihouse. Maybe Im just being a little rediculous, but I can't wait to to put it to use and see what all the "whistlin's" about :razz:


right anyone gone thru a thorough cleaning of daisy? she can collect quite the amount of fine particles. perfect for sticking back in or tossing in your abv stash. get a long picker and a surefire or some light, get in it all. i cleaned a ton out. also anyone have any luck salvaging a removed screen? i've basically had to destroy the screen to dig it out.


HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
I have had the same prob sometimes ruining screen getting it out i find i can remove a good few times before its knackered if I push down one side so that it bends and pops up, thus does not always work and sometimes it ends up at the bottom of trench and you have to dig it out which then normally ruins screen .
Lucky it uses a pretty standard size screen so it ain't a prob and I got about ten with the daisy....
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Go in around the screen edge with a fine dental pick, and pluck up a corner. It will come right out.
Scrape the goo off screen edge, then hold screen between fingers as you rub it between those fingers and pour 91% Iso over it.
It will get clean as new... rinse with very hot water, blot dry and re-install.
A drop of regular proof rum on a q tip will allow you to rub the inner walls, and remove most deposits,
Squeeze the excess rum off first!


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Daisy Daisy, sweet sweet Daisy . . .
I must concur that she really is quite stunning.
We'll have been together for 4 weeks tomorrow & the honeymoon is still on.
Although I have noticed that she hasn't been singing as much over the past few days & prior to that she'd been very vocal from the beginning. So, for a change I thought I'd try the mouthpiece stem flipped the other way as suggested by Tommy earlier on in the thread, for a slightly different perspective . . . and WOW! She is singing again sooo sweetly! & actually being able to see when you are creating vapor is obviously rather helpful & it's also so cool to watch those milky hits shotgunning up the fat glass stem. Full spectrum goodness. Oh yum.
I love this vape, oh sorry. . . I mean, I love you Daisy :love:

(No fly in my old lady yet btw!)
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HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
Go in around the screen edge with a fine dental pick, and pluck up a corner. It will come right out.
Scrape the goo off screen edge, then hold screen between fingers as you rub it between those fingers and pour 91% Iso over it.
It will get clean as new... rinse with very hot water, blot dry and re-install.
A drop of regular proof rum on a q tip will allow you to rub the inner walls, and remove most deposits,
Squeeze the excess rum off first!

Nice idea I went and got a cheap pack of five from a discount store yesterday and its much easier plus I can clean the hard to reach places in all my other vapes aswell ........
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Well-Known Member
Was not getting great hits so I had to go back to the video for a tutorial.
Cut back on flame length to the recommended inch, kept the flame near the glass letting it go into the glass briefly , and the magic came back!
Some of the best cloudy milky hits I ever had.
The shotgun effect of the daisy cannot be matched by the sniper hits of my other vapes.


hey y'all wanted to share what just happened. i read someone here earlier that their daisy had lost it's whistle. same here. i just cleaned it. daisy was really clogged to the point that i feel like i've not enjoyed quite a bit of herbatanicals optimally on account of me being negligent. so if you find yourself wondering wtf. give a good clean. ps. still daily driver. wood aging always looks better than day before.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
My daisy stopped whistling too.

I even emailed Tommy about my depressed daisy.

I fixed her by putting the pointed end of a small safety pin into the tiny turbulence hole.
It's halfway up the glass heater tube block in the centre of the bigger recessed hole.
I just pushed the pin in there and something popped out.maybe it was a fly...it was tiny whatever it was.i had washed my daisy in acetone for a plane flight and something must have Lodged itself in there during the deep clean I gave her.
After clearing the hole with the pin,she started squealing / whistling with delight again.

Dont use a big pin.use a real thin straight dressmaking pin or the like.
You just want to dislodge the crumb or whatever is in there,you don't want to open up the hole / make it bigger That might affect Daisy's turbalance and subsequently her performance.

Damn does she perform.she puts out instant room filling volumes of vapor cough cough.

Daisy is my number one slap in the face vape.
She is the vape I grab to simmer me down quickly and rest.
She teaches me respect for myself :) and close others around me.

Well her, and that funny little plant that some people are so scared of:rolleyes::p

Finally,does anyone have a picture of a well used daisy or a modded daisy?
I keep meaning to take my router to her to make her more curvy but I need to wait for the right moment.

I don t want to rush doing it and damage her.
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Well-Known Member
Hi you guys! I have been watching the thread and I was wondering how this beast compares to the Enano? In terms of flavor and power? Also for the amount that you have to use to get the clouds that I have seen in the vid.




Well-Known Member
Quick tip,
The honey that forms on the big glass tube can be easily reclaimed with a flat stick.
I put a small amount in a concentrate vape and the clouds were very potent.

Very little herb is needed to make killer clouds.


Quick tip,
The honey that forms on the big glass tube can be easily reclaimed with a flat stick.
I put a small amount in a concentrate vape and the clouds were very potent.

Very little herb is needed to make killer clouds.

i took out a pinky nail sized ball of goo. tossed it in my bottom kief catcher to roll around. i'll get to it someday.


Well-Known Member
I am so ordering this beautiful piece of art on Dec.3! About how long from then until I can do a dollop in my Daisy?

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
I am so ordering this beautiful piece of art on Dec.3! About how long from then until I can do a dollop in my Daisy?

Mine arrived in two days to Colorado.

Oh man you should order Daisy too :tup:

Daisy,to me,will be the portable to have around my home for any combuster friends who turn up over the holidays.:freak::haw:

Trust me,You & they will be pretty impressed,..no doubt about that :rockon:

She rips like a train.
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u bwade wunner,


Well-Known Member
I am ordering the Daisy on the 3rd! Then I'll be stalking my mailman like flies on shot, white on rice, a sat kid with cake... you're picking up what I'm laying down ...

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
A perfect present and one to look forward too.the included little grinder works well and the tweezers all add something to the package.
Trickle are now adding the O ring to secure the heater tube too.

One slight change I would like to see a bent glass trumpet mouthpiece ala möbius ion in the Daisy.

I removed the mouthpiece block on receipt and it now holds my log stems and stirrers on my desk.
the glass just feels more comfy on my lips.

Aside from that, for me ,Daisy is perfect,extraction is nothing short of magical/other worldly with a short learning curve and as others have said the wood becomes more beautiful day by day.

Keep you're flame spread right and it will all happen smoothly.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah with the right flame the extraction is unbelievable!
One Daisy user compared the hit to their Sublimator !
One good hit on the Daisy and I'm set for the next 30 minutes or so.
The hits are becoming addicting.
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