Has anyone tried very finely ground herb in Daisy? If not, you should!! My PAX grind is extremely fine. Almost to a powder. PAX likes it that way.. But I've been experimenting with the superfine grind in Daisy and holy crap.. the hits I get are gargantuan.

Thicker and bigger than usual. It also serves to get me medicated much faster, and the effects feel stronger.
I've noticed the fine grind load can get stagnant in Daisy and it's very easy to scorch it unless you stir it after each hit. The finer grind also clogs the screen quicker. BUT the results are well worth it in my opinion. The load seems to last longer and with stirring I can get all of it a bit darker than with a medium grind. Stirring in Daisy is such a breeze anyway. If you do start experimenting with a super fine grind, start out slow. See how you feel after just one or two big draws. I got over-zealous during the initial tests and found myself a bit too elevated than I intended. I also accidently combusted once, so that may have been the reason.
Anyone else have input on preferred grind consistency?