Discontinued Daisy vaporizer by Triihouse


My Daisy is not here yet, but I already know... I will remove the screen....
and standing over sink, near running hot water, I will hold screen between index finger and thumb...
I will squirt 91% Iso on screen generously as I rub screen well. I will squirt more Iso and repeat until I am happy it is free of debris.
I will finally run the screen under hot water and then place it on layers of dry paper towel, which I will fold over and squeeze like a clamp for a second.
I will be done.

(same technique for every screen on every vape I have ever used)
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Space is the Place
My Daisy is not here yet, but I already know... I will remove the screen....
and standing over sink, near running hot water, I will hold screen between index finger and thumb...
I will squirt 91% Iso on screen generously as I rub screen well. I will squirt more Ison and repeat until I am happy it is free of debris.
I will finally run the screen under hot water and then place it on layers of dry paper towel, which I will fold over and squeeze like a clamp for a second.
I will be done.

(same technique for every screen on every vape I have ever used)

That's pretty much what i always did until a few weeks ago when I popped out the daisy screen and torched it then rubbed it between my fingers and there it was, a shiny brand new looking screen.
It's become the new Quick and Easy way for me, much better method then my old iso and scrubbing ritual.



Space is the Place
Nothing against the daisy but it doesn't look any faster than the lotus, they're both pretty speedy!
It looks faster to me. It takes less time to heat up air than metal. But we're talking a couple of seconds max here.

I've found the Daisy and my lotus with the orbiter setup to be nearly equal in speed, sitting with someone the other night we got 'em both down to around 7 seconds for a hit (fill our lungs). The big difference was we had to wash out the orbiter a few times an hour since it's much much easier to reach combustion with the lotus after a hit or two if you don't use it every day.

I Still haven't actually combusted with Daisy yet. (but have used her more then the lotus)

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I prefer Daisy to Lotus, much easier to control. I also think Daisy is not a drinker. Using water allows me to take the hit too far since feedback is removed. No combustion but it encourages uneven browning.
i haven't had issue 1 with uneven browning if you're referring to daisy, i've ditched the tweezers for a stirrer pokey thingy, 1st i grind with nano grinder for fine grind and stir after every tooty toots. browns even every time. it's gonna be a daisy weekend y'all.
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Man, did I find the perfect stirring tool for the Daisy. Excellent for night usage.


LED light tweezers.


I have been enjoying the Daisy. Great flavor every time!
True enough.. easy and foolproof.
I love how I can get a huge thick dense hit, and when I check the bowl, it is barely tanned.
Intuitive is the word I think @fbrinsley used.
He is a bud from my area, and I never gave him proper credit for influencing me to go Daisy!
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I have been enjoying the Daisy. Great flavor every time!
True enough.. easy and foolproof.
I love how I can get a huge thick dense hit, and when I check the bowl, it is barely tanned.
Intuitive is the word I think @fbrinsley used.
He is a bud from my area, and I never gave him proper credit for influencing me to go Daisy!
let's not forget i only learned of daisy from you after bangin on about vapman which i still love dearly and want the yew unit bad ugh... BUT...

my technique with daisy has continued to improve. i'm now kickin on a no mouthpiece no whistle technique with a bit longer flame the tip of which just meets the down stem. cover release on the carb gives me visible pulsating vapor, my lung capacity maxes out after 4 or 5 pulses. if i make the flame a tad bit longer and back it off i can extend the about of vapor i can pull without over browning.
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Well i got mine finally. It got lost in the mail somewhere in LA for well over 2 weeks...

but it here! I've had it for about 3 days now.

here are my first impressions. I love the feel of it and the look of the wood! it's a real think of beauty. It's also super simple! you know, there is genius in simplicity sometimes. I remember feeling that way about the mflb when i first got it too.

I thought this was a vaporizer that would hit like the gn0me does. but it's not really like that at all.

The flavour while being great on the first couple rips are not the most tasty I have ever had. Other vapes have the daisy beat in that regard. (Gn0me and Herbalizer for example)

But where this thing blows me away is how hast it can quickly extract and give me easy to acquire, massive rips. It took about a day to get the technique down, but now that I feel I have it it's amazingly fast at doing what it's meant to.

Overall this thing is a solid purchase. it works great!

A fantastic camping, or use at home vape! I wouldn't take it out on the go with me because it's too bulky, and requires a fair bit of attention/focus to use. it would look odd in public.


Well-Known Member
Ok... finally off work and had a chance to try out the daisy.

And Wow. I'm very impressed with how quick and easy it is to get such nice, big, super smooth hits.

I ordered from vaporstor, on ebay, before they haf a chance to raise the price from $99.
There's a small crack in the glass neck, and my lighter won't take any butane. Not a big deal, but I'm gonna email them and see what they say
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it's that honest lighter right? I had problems with it before. both filling (user error) and using (debris stopping it from holding a flame)

for filling try to put the bottle of tane on a slight angle when filling. that did the trick for me.

for the flame itself. this is an adjustable lighter, play with it and get it dialed in where it performs well :) the daisy responds to the flame size as well. just be aware.

Vegas haze

but my momma said
A trick I read about refilling the lighters was to turn the flame dial all the way down then refill, that worked for me.

In the beginning I would keep adjusting my flame length depending on how dark I wanted the herb. Now I just set my flame high and use my draw to adjust temperatures.

Scott A

Well-Known Member
Is there any butane flavor when using the daisy? Can it get hot enough with out aiming the torch directly down the glass tube?
Scott A,
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