Stu said:
Pappy said:
I've gotten into standing, which is why I weened myself off bent necks. Physiologically, I believe standing is a much sounder posture for inhalation from a medical perspective. I came to this conclusion after lots of trial and error. I don't cough as much or suffer from as many infections as I did when I bonged sitting.
Plus, he can dance around while doing the patented "Pappy 10 count"
The videos certainly wouldnt be the same with out it. Infections.....ayee

. Never got one from vaping thats for sure, sorry to hear that though. I dont think that there is any arguing that standing or sitting with a straight posture is "the better" way to go. That being said, I still regularly like to just be lazy, chill out, and just max on the couch with a mad lean on bong vaping.

PS I totally hope u actually made those shirts!!! What kind of effect u have on your face? Looks like water ripples or something, very suiting. PSS also a fan of your glass pendants, been thinking about picking myself up one, kinda similar to your blue/green wig wag one. Any chance you will sport one in your next vid???
That inline pd stem is soooo sweet. I found the pd too hot for me, and always needed water filtation with it. This is so absolutely perfect, gotta tell the bros woman to kiss CDs ass. It has been interesting to watch his work improve, and it looks so nice now!
Edit: got any errl in that dish yet pappy??