OK, after another session with the pillar, I have come to two conclusions.
For a single chamber tube, this thing really makes the vapor extremely pleasant and I can definitely take bigger hits with this thing than with my other pieces. With my other pieces, I can probably inhale to about 80% my lung capacity before it starts to tickle. With the pillar, I'm probably pushing 95% before I feel that first feeling of tightness on my lungs.
The second thing is that this thing is so weird and interesting to watch when you are taking hits. Out of all the different ways to diffuse and cool your vapor, none are as creative as this pillar. First the holes split the vapor into bubbles, then the bubbles push water up the pillar where the bubble "pops" again, it is such a trip!
I think the best way I can describe the hit is to use a car analogy. My other pieces are like japanese cars. They are extremely reliable performers and probably offer more bang for the buck. The pillar is like a BMW, it just has a different weight and feel to it. Even though I've wanted one of these for a while, it was still an impulse purchase and I have no buyer's remorse. This thing is bar none, the best tube or bub I've ever had the pleasure of vaping from.
I've been ordering dual chambered pieces recently because my throat/lungs were beginning to tickle a bit when taking huge hits. I took a break from vaping for 2 weeks to let the lungs heal up but when i started vaping again, my lungs would start to get tight at only 70% capacity. The pillar allows me to take the same massive hits as I would take when I would add ice into the mix, this thing truly is remarkable.