Better for oil this way, hamm is pretty legendary so the design and height are for a reason.
Tiny note,
Any chance we can make it a bit bigger?
I was expecting it to be 14-16 inches tall, not 12.
The mini pillar is gonna be around 10 or so isn't it?
Either way, that looks awesome
Must Buy![]()
wait.. stevenlmz79 is the same steven blankrider uses right? so we still only have 1 seller cooperating?
I think having multiple members work with a single seller on behalf of FC should be avoided where possible so as to not complicate each other's efforts
I decided to make a new thread for discussing concept glass designs that can possibly be put into production by some of our friends overseas,
First piece is a Matrix Pillar:
I see no problem with it, if stevenlmz79 doesn't, isn't it ultimately his business that fails or profits? Who here is representing FC? I've seen no polls or votes, just ideas thrown around, or did I miss something? Likes shouldn't count for votes.
The other two pieces being "designed", the Diffusion pump and SG peyotte pillar are straight copies of the originals correct? Wasn't that the purpose of this Concept thread and finding a glass vendor to work with us, to design something we want, not copy another artist's ideas to the T?
1 month and 21 pages later, the Matrix Pillar is born.
Should we expect water test videos today?
As promised:
I think it came out pretty badass.
That matrix recycler is beyond cool but the perc needs to be a up a about a half inch higherso many matrix's
That matrix recycler is beyond cool but the perc needs to be a up a about a half inch higher
That matrix recycler is beyond cool but the perc needs to be a up a about a half inch higher
Stereo matrix and the matrix pillar look great, going to be hard to resist...
Couple notes/suggestions for the recycler: I think the matrix perk needs to be moved up in the can, it is displacing too much water being so low and risks flowing up the return tube. They could also increase the size of the funnel slightly, that would help prevent any splash on hard draws/clears. But the angles of dual funnel intakes look great, finally figuring out that elusive vortex
EDIT, haha beat me to it
So here is a rough copy with adjustments to discuss (I have made 03 with a cone can, could it help?) Bearing in mind the arms been ugly but hey its a sketch
For example do the tubes always have water moving in the same direction or do they trade off? Is the down moving water just gravity or is there pressure pushing it?
Imo it looks like the matrix on the pillar is too powerful for that pillar placement/size and it's not functioning properly (not enough restriction for the perc). I think the matrix needs a little more clearance before the pillar section and regardless the pillar section needs to be larger. Thoughts?
The reason the top part is bigger is so it can fill up with vapor for a big hit on the clear, vs with the mini-pillar and diffusion pump, where you are pretty much inhaling the vapor as it enters the piece without letting any volume build up (which is nice for dabs). Also to keep water out of the mouthpiece. I highly doubt anyone can tell a flavor difference based on a couple inches of size in the top chamber, since the vapor isn't going to be spending much time in it anyway. Despite being a large piece, the vapor isn't getting ridiculously diffused, because the entire middle chamber has no water in it, so flavor should be retained pretty well.Agreed^. Ive owned multiple different sov style pillars, worked and clear. Pillars need to be larger, more room for matrix to fire, and space above the pillars should be shorter not taller. Closer the bubbles pop to the mouthpiece more flavor, thats why people love the sov pillars. Huge rips that are smooth that dont sacrifice flavor. I would
The water in the pillars go both ways. The DI intake joint leads to the middle section which is separated from the bottom section by a wall of glass that hold the Matrix Perc and pillars in place, kinda like the D-021 but inverted:
The matrix perc pulls air in from the middle chamber/DI and feeds it into the pillars. The water travels up the pillar and pools above the pillars, causing a sprinkler type percolation. After clearing, the water then sinks back into the bottom chamber down through the pillars. MW has some better images that might help wrap your head around the idea in his Itza Pillar thread.
It is quite a unique piece and I'm still amazed as much as the first time I seen a video.
I'd say it's hard to tell from just this video. Water levels might need adjusted or putting a vaporizer on the piece, he was pulling it dry w/o resistance. I almost thought for a second he was going to block the intake with his finger, ugh.
I agree the top section needs something done to it. No point in having all the extra room unless the bubbles stack that high. In a genuine Pillar it looks like they do something to make the top chamber hold more water.
but he did cover it with his thumb, and it seemed to work pretty nicely. The water only shoots up in the beginning before he added the intake restriction. The pillars all appear to be firing pretty uniformly as well.
What do you know, he did. At a glance I thought he was just hovering. And I've watched the video like 10 times, lol.
A straight neck obviously has its own ergonomics depending on where you use it. That being said, I suspect it will help the stereo matrix perc fire more evenly. With a bent neck coming out of the side of the can like on a GB-186, on very slow draws the perc noticeably favors firing the holes on the side of the neck. It appears that with a medium to firm draw the perc fires evenly around the entire perc, but I'm sure that, mathematically speaking, the holes nearest the neck are still probably firing at a faster rate. I suspect this phenomenon wouldn't noticeably occur with a completely straight neck coming out of the top, but you've still got the issue of asymmetry with the downstem, so theoretically it still won't fire perfectly around the entire perc, but better than with a neck coming out of the side. The middle section of the stereo matrix does help shoot up the water and vapor at roughly a perpendicular angle to the perc, but I suspect there's still anomalies in the flow stemming from the asymmetry caused by the downstem location.I'm VERY impressed by the stereo matrix though. Curious to see what it'll cost. Edit: Guessing it's straight neck? That's slightly disappointing but not a deal breaker