I've been one of those guys keeping our boy Ratchett busy

I got these items a couple of weeks ago already and I love em

The urchin is a lovely little design that easily adapts to a variety of vape accessory needs. I asked to have one slightly modified for me: I just wanted the holes / slots around the perimeter to be pointed straight up (not angled) with smaller bore sizes, with the intent of standing up my main array of dab tools. And for the large spot in the middle, we have an 18mm female slot, which is a handy spot for my 18mm M cleaning plug.
This is my urchin in its new home, in the main logistical corner / hub of my "dab lab"

This is much more compact and pretty than my last stand I was using for holding my dab tools. But the urchin was my side project with Ratchett, my main idea was for a 5 x 1
box mod vape stand, since I have way too many of these things
It came out great! The design time and effort was quite a bit more for this piece. It's
real purty with the
honeycomb pattern and
emerald color hue.
There is only one
minor flaw in this custom vape stand.... can you see it?
It's not completely flat at one end, like it's a little warped or has a small notch missing out from it.

Overall, the stand sits pretty flat and stable, but it has a minor wobble if you press down on one end.

No matter, because the vape stand still serves its function perfectly well, and looks damn nice while doing it.
This custom project ended up being a learning experience for Ratchett, in that he learned the size limits of his current printing equipment and printing surfaces. He tried to make me a re-print, but it didn't turn out any better, apparently.

He tells me he's planning on buying a CNC mill in the near-future, and that he can pop out a perfect re-print for me when that happens. Until then, I'll still be using my vape stand and urchin, another happy customer served.