Maybe there is still hope that Sessions might go down. We will wait and see. Looks like he lied during confirmation hearings..

Legal cannabis would be in a better place if Sessions was out of the way.
Sessions spoke twice with Russian ambassador during Trump's presidential campaign, Justice officials say - The Washington Post
Washington Post › world › 2017/03/01
12 mins ago -
Yes, but supposedly Franken asked if he knew of anyone that made contact with the Russian's during Trump's campaign. He claims the contacts were before he was on the campaign and thus didn't technically lie. Dems are calling foul.
I would love to see Sessions go down on this, but it didn't seem too promising from the article I read, unfortunately. Maybe the story will change.
My belief on this "crackdown" is that they will continue to be vague, and every now and then send out a group of thugs to shut down a dispensary that they'll claim is a front for the black market.
They won't have the balls to come out and say exactly what will happen in the various States. That will cause them to exhaust resources on all the court injunctions they'll need to deal with. You already have several democratic governors and AG's saying they don't support a crackdown.
So he's gonna tell the most liberal of States what they will and won't do? He's gonna tell them that their silly citizen referendums don't matter?
I think not! You kicked a beehive sir.
No way can they fuck with the legality of it in the legal States. All they can disrupt is the sale of it. All the more reason to grow your own if possible.