Cory Glass Designs re/incyclers - high function and affordable?


Well-Known Member
hehe just edited. it's sooo pretty I can't wait to run the Evo through her. I'm going to grab like 8 strains and 3 types of oil/shatter to celebrate the inauguration of this new queen

The really funny thing is, I explained to him that I plan to use it with my EV-2 and that I'd need an 14f/18m adapter so I can use it with my other oilrigs as well. A few minutes later I got a picture of Corys EV-2. :D

EDIT: Again, sorry for the reveal. I really freaked out when I saw this video. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dont have to answer but what did he quote you for that?

Incycler? He hasn't gotten back to me yet, just wrote him that I nearly got one of his incyclers a few weeks ago and that I'd be interested in getting one directly from him. Would have to ask him first if its ok to disclose the price anyway.


Well-Known Member
I dont think thats the case. You didnt see his reply on IG?

"Yes I'm about to post it @Herr_Dampf because it's a nice thick quality ground joint @caligulasruination"

Yes I saw his repsonse, but both pieces in the picture are on their way to me. The one on the left with the encased joint goes to @vakedcow, the other one with the regular joint is mine. That's why the answer comes off a bit weird to me. Or maybe I just got it totaly wrong?
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