Corona Vaping


Coronavirus: New Zealand claims no community cases as lockdown eases

Soderbergh's Contagion plays like a fucking documentary now. Which, considering its exhaustive research and the fact it was made as a warning to what we have now, makes perfect sense. The films chief medical adviser has recently tested positive for covid...

Alert raised over rare reaction amongst young patients
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Up here in the north of the North, its snowed all night and is supposed to snow and rain all day. Too wet and sticky to be worth unpacking my snowshoes. I have no excuse to go out after treating myself to my first take out meal in six weeks on Sat. night--ribs!--with dabs and double IPAs. Our lying racist severely incompetent "leader" is off his rocker, making life the most scary of my 72 years. And that's with our county having the lowest incidence of CV in New England. I think I should spend the day playing with my stash and all the new toys I've gotten for my experiments with concentrates. Until January, being a flower boy, I'd never even seen things like wax, rosin, and shatter. My God they are fun. Having stocked up the second week of March on concentrates and a bit of flower the day before the big Mass adult use stores were closed, I've only had one "stoned-all-day" day in a month and a half of semi-isolation. I know its Monday, but.... After investing in a truck load of toilet paper, several cases of lysol, and two boxes of canned sunshine I bought from a very sincere Pentacostal minister, who was speaking in tongues that sounded no different than the White House Coronavirus press conferences, what the f?
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Old & In the Way
Hey, @Polarbearboy, I think you have more mellowing ahead of you, especially given the weather there and these trying times. I'm quite enjoying 'stoned all day' though I'd like to think my daytime usage is moderated. It's all about levels! and I reach cruising altitude at an early hour. Admittedly, this started long before the pandemic was on the radar...

Look at the bright side, King of Corona may be on tv less for a while til his recent stupidity blows over, and Boris Johnson has made one of the only sane speeches of his career. Seems he's a corona convert.

You want a real buzz-kill? Check out Planet of the Humans, currently on youtube, exec. produced by Michael Moore.
Happy Earth Day, brought to you by Goldman Sachs!


Hey, @Polarbearboy, I think you have more mellowing ahead of you, especially given the weather there and these trying times. I'm quite enjoying 'stoned all day' though I'd like to think my daytime usage is moderated. It's all about levels! and I reach cruising altitude at an early hour. Admittedly, this started long before the pandemic was on the radar...

Look at the bright side, King of Corona may be on tv less for a while til his recent stupidity blows over, and Boris Johnson has made one of the only sane speeches of his career. Seems he's a corona convert.

You want a real buzz-kill? Check out Planet of the Humans, currently on youtube, exec. produced by Michael Moore.
Happy Earth Day, brought to you by Goldman Sachs!

I wondered if Boris might have a slightly more invested take on this after going thru it. I also wondered if he'd just start thinking 'well, its not that bad, Boris smash, Boris strong, fuck the weak plebs!'... Maybe its just that hes realised he has a chance of making history in a slightly positive way, and taking Trump as a warning as how he might go down in history as huge murderer instead, which Boris' 'herd immunity' approach/comments would certainly get him from certain quarters, and was already a growing voice in the public.
This seems like an important point in the study:

"Theories of SARS-CoV-2 origins
It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of a related SARS-CoV-like coronavirus. As noted above, the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 is optimized for binding to human ACE2 with an efficient solution different from those previously predicted7,11. Furthermore, if genetic manipulation had been performed, one of the several reverse-genetic systems available for betacoronaviruses would probably have been used19. However, the genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone20.


Now Trump is mainstreaming us all with 'blame China', is it now non mainstream to listen to mainstream news sources? What the hell even is mainstream any more? (rhetorical)...

Anyway, some lamestream news...

"Prof Andrew Cunningham, from the Zoological Society of London, explained: "We've actually been expecting something like this to happen for a while.

"These diseases are emerging more frequently in recent years as a result of human encroachment into wild habitat and increased contact and use of wild animals by people.""


Well-Known Member
Someone (inverted?) linked something earlier in the conversation about how the plan was to target China with the blame while tying the dems China. Sure as shit that's what I'm seeing on the ads and in the news in recent days. FC: Where you learn shit. :tup:


Well-Known Member
People who can't face themselves, their pathologies and their horrible childhoods like to project all the shit onto the Other. China's the target right now; used to be the commies who were trying to take over the whole world, and of course in the US, the target of all the projected fears and self-loathing was black folks, in Germany it was the Jews. The Other, who threatens our way. The Other, who wants to destroy us.

And look at all the destructive ones, showing their true colors: carrying guns, reacting with extreme aggression, just like their furher, trump. Dying to kill others, in complete denial about how covid 19 works, just chomping at the bit to get on with the business of starving people and destroying the planet.

They are rich, and all the zombies who obey them are poor.

C No Ego

Well-Known Member
@GetLeft still inconclusive, as we do not know if activating the Gi proteins with extracellular phytocannabinoids allows more access of virus of prevents access .. the prevention of Cytokine storms is the most beneficial observances in regard to the phytocannabinoids effecting our immune system.

here is some info - Cannabis as an adaptogen herb -

supposedly, cannabis is an immunosuppressant hence why immunological issues like out of control inflammation can be addressed with cannabis via more down regulation signaling controlling the inflammation via modulation of the cb receptors
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