Core 2.0 - Divine Tribe/SZ Crossing


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
After spending the last few days with my VerdaVap, I had the chance for a proper play with my Core 2.1 last night and today. (The "testing phase" has left me high as balls...)

I found a couple of videos that Lee from TTB had done, including using his whip hose with the sidecar bubbler. So I'm now running it through the sidecar and the TTB, and if nothing else it's become a super visual experience. Especially when doing cold starts, and you're drawing and drawing and drawing and you get nothing, then all of a sudden it comes to life with a massive vapour cloud.

A couple of questions:
- my atomizer went brown (chazzed?) in one bowl. As in, I'd been using it a few times, cleaning it, successfully keeping it bright white - then it went from clean to brown in one use. This is on the "white" temperature (so there's still another setting to go!) Potential causes I can think of are 1) the balls weren't spinning, or 2) different material needs different temps, and maybe "white" was too hot for the "dry diamonds" (sans sauce) that I'm using. Are there other potential causes I need to be aware of? (Can your balls be too small? And can the bowl "overheat" with successive session mode activations? Cos I've been using it on the white heat setting all day.)

- with the increased visibility, it's obvious that the vapour kinds of comes and goes. The Core seams to heat up in the middle of the "session mode" cycle and produce a really great cloud, but then seems to cool down towards the end of the cycle. It times out, you double click it again, and once again you get a big cloud in the middle of the session. (Depending on how big a piece of concentrate I use, sometimes the same thing happens a 3rd time.) Does anyone else have this issue? Is it normal or is my Core heater doing something weird?

Thanks again everyone.

I agree that it sounds like you scorched your bowl by either overheating or hitting it until you began charring the reclaim. I wouldn't use dry concentrates like traditional hash or bubble hash. Not sure what you mean by dry diamonds? Like pure THC crystals? I would stick with bho products and rosin. Even so, rosin has a lot of natural wax residue that can foul the cup if you overheat it or fail to swab clean after every sesh.
I tend to use a lot of live and cured resin. I load a rice grain size, then only use the session heating until it reaches temp then click it off. I only hold the button down while actively hitting so it doesn't continue to heat like in session mode. I get about 4-5 hits then swab it out completely while there's some liquid reclaim floating around. My cup stays perfectly clean and white on the inside.
Keep practicing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I say "dry" diamonds - it's diamonds without sauce. They just look like little crystal shards.

Unfortunately I don't really get a choice when it comes to concentrates, Australia is so far behind. Your choices are Diamonds, Shatter, or Afghan Hash (sometimes). To be honest, it doesn't really have a taste, but it achieves the intended purpose of getting me super blasted really quickly.

Thanks for the info re: bowl scorching, it sounds like there's a really fine line in extracting the bowl then scorching it. While the situation with vape bans in Australia sucks, it did mean that I was sent a bunch of additional atomizers that my former vape store had no use for, so I'll keep using the original bowl while I sort it out, then I'll switch it out when I'm more confident in the timing.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys and gals 😁

After trying bangers and slurpers on different water pieces and just not getting a good hit without literally coughing my lungs Out and therefore just not enjoying dabs, tbh, I finally took the plunge and got me the core 2.0 🥳🎉
I also got the matrix bubbler top with it 😘👌

Honestly, I love this thing! 🙏 Finally I enjoy my dabs!

I got it about a week ago and, since I ran out of weed, but still got some nice concentrates I used it all day for the last three days. What can I say? It just works great! I tried different concentrates, I guess most bho. I use a pretty small, about rice grain sized bit, on the green setting. Get around 3 to 5 nice hits from it. I'm pretty new to concentrates, other than traditional hashes and they get me pretty hammered actually 🔨😵‍💫😂

First, I thought I need a terp pearl, but I realized no significant difference when I don't use one. And, tbh, it makes it even more enjoyable, since I don't have to care if I get that damn thing spinning 😁

My bowl cleans out very nicely 👍 I usually have a little puddle of liquid left (very little) and just swab that out after every sesh. Works great and my bowl is perfectly clean and white 😉

Great device! Love it! ...but now, I have to make sure to have a constant supply of nice and tasty concentrates 🤦😂


Well-Known Member
So how do you like it?
I think it is great, it's my first erig so I don't have a lot to compare it against but I also own a plugged enail.

I think the design is great and the aluminum body feels very premium. You have to pull quite hard to spill the oil out of the chamber.

So yeah, don't put too much in there and don't pull too hard and you should get a great experience.

I'm using the blue temp mostly, if you guys have more specific questions or want pics, just ask ;)


Well-Known Member
Not a big fan of the xl. Find that most do cups still burn dabs even with the core xl and 6 curve profiles. Would recommend getting a v5 setup with tcr temp control over the core xl.


Well-Known Member
Not a big fan of the xl. Find that most do cups still burn dabs even with the core xl and 6 curve profiles. Would recommend getting a v5 setup with tcr temp control over the core xl.
have you tried purple or yellow temp? I mostly use yellow and I don't burn my dabs at that temp even when I do a full session (until the unit powers off on its own)
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New Member
I am new to dabbing RSO so within less than 3 months I tried HerboTi enail (meh), glass nail + dome (better but didn't took long to overheat it and bang!), titanium nail (finally good hits but lots of reclaim), quartz banger (tasty, smooth hits but cleaning it extensively afterwards while I would prefer to enjoy instead)...
Here comes the Core XL Deluxe and the mini buddy HDT and all of a sudden dabbing is easy, clean and predictable. I use high potency buds to make oil and the Core delivers tasty hits. At first I have been surprised by the small size but I do like the cute and practical design and I also appreciate not running another PID all day.
Started off with white but now it's green. I really like it but keep in mind that this is my first erig.
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Well-Known Member
I am new to dabbing RSO so within less than 3 months I tried HerboTi enail (meh), glass nail + dome (better but didn't took long to overheat it and bang!), titanium nail (finally good hits but lots of reclaim), quartz banger (tasty, smooth hits but cleaning it extensively afterwards while I would prefer to enjoy instead)...
Here comes the Core XL Deluxe and the mini buddy HDT and all of a sudden dabbing is easy, clean and predictable. I use high potency buds to make oil and the Core delivers tasty hits. At first I have been surprised by the small size but I do like the cute and practical design and I also appreciate not running another PID all day.
Started off with white but now it's green. I really like it but keep in mind that this is my first erig.
glad you like it, I've been able to experiment a bit more with mine after pressing some kief rosin a week ago. I've never tried to dab with the herbo ti in enail mode but I've heard it's not very great nor practical so I'm not surprised

initially I was using blue temp but now I prefer the temp bellow (yellow) but I heard that coil resistance varies which is why the temperature range is so wide (so my yellow might not be the same temp in reality as your yellow)

I also got a mini buddy HDT, its very nice for cold start, I now use my herborizer titanuim dab tool with the heat of the atomizer to drop my dab while the core xl is heating

I've now used about 3 grams of rosin with it, I use between 30mg to 70mg per session, on yellow temp I get very very tasty hits and minimal reclaim (I get 95% of the reclaim with one qtip) and almost no reclaim inside the grenade bubbler

I also love how long the battery lasts with this thing


New Member
I heard that coil resistance varies which is why the temperature range is so wide (so my yellow might not be the same temp in reality as your yellow)

Thx, didn't know that. I hesitated to go below green because I assumed I would miss out on cbd. Now I am on blue 👍

One rice grain of oil:
White = 1 hit
Green = 2 hits
Blue = close to 3 hits

I also got a mini buddy HDT, its very nice for cold start, I now use my herborizer titanuim dab tool with the heat of the atomizer to drop my dab while the core xl is heating

I used the herbo tool before but especially when the oil is rather thick the mini buddy HDT is such a relieve.

I also love how long the battery lasts with this thing

/me nods

imor jones

Well-Known Member
My core 2.0 is not punchy anymore.
Though i guess the coil is not good anymore.
I saw that could upgrade the core 2.0 with a core xl coil. Now i wonder if its worth!? And if i can use the xl coil with the original carb cap setup, or if i would also need a core xl carb cap Set up. What is also available.
And if i still could use my core 2.0 sic dish inlay with the core xl coil.

Maybe somebody here can help me with that questions?:)

Thank you :)
imor jones,
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imor jones

Well-Known Member
First thing, is the atomizer connection free of all reclaim?
I was getting poor performance that a real deep clean fixed.

First thing, is the atomizer connection free of all reclaim?
I was getting poor performance that a real deep clean
Are you speaking of the contacts from the atomizer, that are screwed in. They are clean, i would say.
Or do you mean the wires from the ceramic dish.
I am on holiday right and did not bring the little screw diver. I cannot open and clean them now..
imor jones,


bass in your face
Even if they look clean, a wet iso qtip (for me) every so often keeps that connection where it screws in good. A tiny bit of oil introduces much resistance. Also works for me with pen batteries. Upside down so iso doesn't get anywhere it shouldnt

I've never taken my atomizer apart, it's still working years later. I think keeping it clean helps


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Even if they look clean, a wet iso qtip (for me) every so often keeps that connection where it screws in good. A tiny bit of oil introduces much resistance. Also works for me with pen batteries. Upside down so iso doesn't get anywhere it shouldnt

I've never taken my atomizer apart, it's still working years later. I think keeping it clean helps
This has been an issue for me from time to time. Good advice.

If you swab out immediately after every session, even with a dry qtip, you'll be surprised how clean the chamber will remain. If you treat them tenderly, those cups will last a long time. Going overboard on the cleaning is usually what leads to breakage. IMHO
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