use of force to subdue people who have done no wrong
it's normal and within policy, yes, so they can always say the rule book permits it.
same thing with civilians getting killed at vehicle check-points in Iraq and Afghanistan, use of force begets violence.
Which is why the police are supposed to avoid contact unless they suspect a crime has been commited, to minimize civilian deaths. And to remind them they're not policing against things that don't fit with their values.
We can think this is unexcuseable, but until we get our politicians to believe we give a crap, nothing will change.
they just widened the FBI's policies to allow investigations of individuals with no warrant or legal predicate. So when you see something on TV that says the search wasn't valid, that's from a by-gone era. Not in america anymore, no warrants needed, and no question as to whether a search was within scope or proper anymore.
We just let 9/11 disolve all the gains in personal rights since
why Cointelpro was so bad for the USA:
COINTELPRO on Democracy Now