I totally
I genuinely listened to that with the most open mindset as possible. I just don't see anything masterful or talented in any of that lol. To each their own tho my man.
I get why someone wouldn't like it but the I promise the talent is immense, that track is just a total mockery of Dr. Dre/Tupac but there's a lot going on in the recording. youtube does kind of ruin it through compression but anyone who knows about production should be able to hear the skill. I don't think talent can ever be put down to taste, I vastly dislike most pop music but can still recognise the skill that goes into even some of the most minimalist pop compositions (the writers know what they're doing, that's how they manage to get manipulate the right feelings to brainwash the youth), and "good production" doesn't have to sound good in any traditional sense, it depends on the music. I don't think Faxed Head could ever have much appeal and maybe the talent seems less obvious if you don't know who is behind the music and can't see past the comedy, but the production skills should still be evident. This album is up there with Dark Side of the Moon and the work of Brian Wilson (I am a fan of neither, but could never deny the brilliance of production). It's just that Faxed Head intentionally sound horrible and dirty, which can actually take skill.
the producer/guitarist is about the most worthy person of being called "genius" in all of modern music. He plays just about all styles, loads of instruments and is a masterful composer with deep knowledge of Pythagorean music theory. Secret Chiefs 3 is like sacred architecture in music but it shouldn't take any deep knowledge to realise how good it is.
Like I say, Faxed Head is a joke (with serious talent), but check this other stuff:
I'm not arguing at all, just trying to show that there's something beyond the stupidity that is found on the surface of what I posted before. You may like the stuff above (it's all quite different) or you may not, but someone would have to be insane to deny the vast talent of Trey Spruance as a musician, composer and producer. Not even John Zorn jiggles my brain like Spruance. There's some interesting interviews around as well, he is a highly intelligent man.
and some slightly more musical Faxed Head. Still disgusting but quite different and with some real playing.
But, obviously. Faxed Head are a real band and Trey Spruance is definitely not Neck head… Just clearing that up.