We all have our memories don't we? The one that was spurred by your post was a memory from Colorado Springs probably around 1977. John Prine was playing at a small venue and my husband to be and I were rolling thru town in our VW. Decided to stop for the night and see the show. We had a jug of wine and the only thing to do was stick the neck of the bottle down my pants and cover it with my blouse. Pregnant woman coming thru....On beautiful autumn afternoon in 1972, in Marietta WVa., myself and a few hundred other fans gathered to hear Dave Mason perform in a tiny, old gym. We sat in the front row about 5 feet from the stage which was all of about 14 inches high, rolling joints and passing them to Mason and his band, where said joints then made there way back out to the audience. We must have gone through almost an ounce ($30 at the time) at that concert.![]()
Thanks for posting MOTG!