If you like to listen to music online through good headphones you may be interested in amarra sq, it really ups the sound quality for streaming music and is easy to use. I also use amarra hifi, which enhances itunes playback (mac). I'm bringing them up is they're half price through the end of the month, and the two products I mentioned are pretty cheap anyways. At least I don't feel bad about hacking their student discount anymore, these prices are way better and are good through the end of the month. The link below will take you to the page and their regular prices, which get cut in half when you add to cart. I am tempted to upgrade to the full version of amarra, but I may be too lazy to take advantage of all the features...
NYC is a pain sometimes. But where else can you stumble onto this: U2 with Springsteen & Chris Martin filling in for an injured Bono - up close. (Today I was in the right place at the right time!)