20 going on 60
my mrs moans about the smell all the time. She used to moan i'd go outside for a joint when i smoked. Now she moans about the smell of my vape. I guess it does smell a bit but it's nothing a window open wouldn't clear pretty quick.
I live in Brighton in the UK and it's pretty laid back as there's people enjoying the herb everywhere.
If your at home and not causing anyone any bother. Then its all good. But i completely understand different areas view things differently. And some people just can't seem to get over the fact it's safer than alcohol, smoking cigarettes, some pescription meds. And that there's all kinds of people from all walks of life enjoying the herb and still enjoying a healthy happy lifestyle.
I'll be in Eastbourne this weekend, at my mates place, playing poker, board games and showing off my new hopper / orbiter combo.
My mates place is 8 floors up so really looking forward to the fireworks.
Yeh I haven't got to worry about it myself as I can vape at home freely, no one cares and I'm free to basically do what I want however I want.
But you gotta respect everyones opinion. Some vapes are definately alot more stealth when heating.
My friends wife is fairly laid back to be fair and she's only trying to avoid receiving evils from the other people on their housing estate.
It does highlight the stealth factor of a convection vape though, they do in my experience seem to smell less. Having said that I used to use @Ratchett PAX2 caps to solve that issue. Take a hit, turn it off, put on the caps, sorted.
I saw a vid of someone hitting a pax on a plane. They were using some gadget to exhale the vapour into and it kinda absorbs it so it doesn't smell. Worth looking into
You are thinking of the smoke buddy:

There is also the Smoke buddy jr, the sploofy and some other brands but they are all essentially either a charcoal filter or a sponge filter with some scent on it.
I've not tried any of them, again I just don't care who knows I vape and I can handle waiting until I'm home or out of the public's direct line of sight/smell before taking a hit. Gotta say the GrassHopper is great for that scenario.