Consensus of Vaping Terminology


Wych Doctor
Hello FC'ers,

I thought it might be worth trying to come up with a 'set' list of terminology related to vaporizing.

To start with I think a general descriptive list should be discussed - this would cover basics like categorisations and ways of describing specific attributes. Later we may want to define things like ways to discuss taste profiles or ways to describe levels of ABV extraction, as examples.

An example of one term that has largely been adopted by most on FC is to use Vaporist as opposed to Vapist - due to Vapist sounding a bit too similar to...well you get the idea.

So, to start the ball rolling - we're all comfortable labelling mobile vaporizers as 'Portable' but are we happy referring to in-home units as 'Desktop'?

While I feel comfortable reffering to vapes like the SSV, EQ, VB and Log vapes as 'desktop' units I'm not too sure if that definition sits well with vapes like the MW, VHW and Herborizer. I guess it's due to the differences in the way the first and second group function.

What do y'all think?

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I don't really see much of a difference between vapes like the VHW and MW and the others you mentioned. (full disclosure, I have never seen a herborizer, or read its thread which most probably exists).

You plug it in, sit down, and vaporize.

Im curious What it is about those ones that makes you say that you wouldn't call them desktop vapes?

Also, I've always considered log vapes to be their own category;
Portables, desktops, logs.
From there each have their sub-categories
Portables - butane powered, battery powered
Desktops - whip, bag, direct draw (TBH, I'd say whip vapes are just a sub-category of direct draw, unless you take direct draw to mean all glass (excluding screens) air path.)
Logs - mostly come down to differences between models.

I think we need a big discussion about WTF efficiency means, because from what I can gather, here's what could be meant by efficiency:
Extraction Efficiency - how many actives the vape extracts (ie herbalaire, solo)
General Efficiency - getting the user to their desired place using the least amount of material (log vapes)
Load Effieciency - having the smallest load that still gives off satisfying vapor (logs again)
Time efficiency - how long it takes to vape a given amount (I'm pretty sure the supreme will get you through a sesh pretty quickly?)

Most people seem to use efficiency to refer to what I've called general efficiency, which I can live with, but I've always thought it was a bit odd that it mostly boils down to "it takes longer to vape in this model"(poor time efficiency)"so you notice that you are where you want to be before you vape another stem"
Frederick McGuire,


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Also, I've always considered log vapes to be their own category;
Portables, desktops, logs.

Desktop and portable are divisions based on the ease of taking the device with you for use elsewhere. Logs aren't a separate category using this criterion, they're a sub-category of desktops.

What are the defining characteristics of desktop and portable? I'd say a desktop is a unit that has to be plugged in while in use, while a portable has a self-contained or external (e.g. butane torch) power source. These definitions aren't adequately reflected in the names, however. I can tell you for sure that defining the categories is not easy.


Revolting Peasant
lol I agree with you on efficiency Frederick, lol it's ambiguous use irks the pedant in me :rant: , but I don't think things will ever change. :shrug:

I guess we all know that what people mean when the say efficient is that they basically want to get more high and consume less bud. And lots of folk think that there's a vaporizer that can do that for them. I contend that in this respect it's got less to do with the vaporizer itself and is instead goverened primarily by the user.

The only aspects I can see that are actually governed exclusively by the vape itself are electrical/heat efficiency and heat/time efficiency (edit: also time/vapor efficiency)

Extraction efficiency (cannabinoids in/cannabinoids out) potential is somewhat governed by the vape through the temp range, and the design of the vape will decide how easy this is to do (minimal time, stirring, hits), but this is also very dependent on the individual users consumption habits.

General efficiency means nothing really IMO- I can make nearly any variable temp vape I own work 'super efficiently' if I need it to. Give me a lump of bud and any of my variable temp vapes I am very confident that I could employ that tool to utilise that piece of bud to it's maximum potential (ie either achieve maximum singular highness, or make it last me as long as possible) through modifying my technique accordingly.

I think it's actually probably better to say that a vape is well suited to heavy use or light use, than it is to make any claims about efficiency.

With regards to 'desktop', that also strikes me as odd. Did the term desktop in relation to vaporizer originate here on FC? It wouldn't surprise me. I guess whoever first coined the term in the vapeworld was thinking of computers? Maybe that's not surprising given what you're probably reading FC on! I don't think we call the non portable versions of other appliances desktops, unless they're office hardware. Whilst I do have a couple of vapes by my desk, it's my place of work and not my favourite place to vape. 'Lounge vape' would seem far more appropriate :brow:. I've also seen quite a few pics of folk on here who seem to maintain their vape station in the bathroom, which makes me smile (although it's perhaps a medical perspective that they have- vaping by their medicine cabinets?). Maybe we need special water proof 'bathroom vape' models lol

I actually think that 'mains vape' and 'portable vape' are the only two really appropriate definitions in the 'desktop' aspect. Below mains vape I guess you could categorise hand held vs stationary. I agree with Pakalolo, I don't really see how log vapes would be categorised indpendently. What's the difference between a log and a cloud and a happy vappy in this sense? Fundamentally it's just the heater and materials, but we're not really making any categorisation based on those distinctions- otherwise we'd need a similar seperate category for the SSV and the Herbalaire.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I forgot to comment on the efficiency aspect. I don't agree we need a big discussion on what "efficiency" means because we already have several threads on this without ever reaching a consensus. A search for "efficiency" in thread titles yields 16 hits. Some of these are threads that started out as model comparisons, but comparisons based on efficiency immediately prompt the definition issue.


Well-Known Member
I think desktop is a good term, eventough it may not be actual reality, I think it does reflect it's meaning very well, if I read desktopvape I instintively know what's meant, whil vwith 'mains vape' for example that wouldn't be clear at all. also desktopvape is already an established term, so why change it if it works and accurately reflects the meaning?


The problem seems to be about differenciating a portable like a mflb or a vapir no2 or a solo, or a desktop like a volcano or a UD.

For me there are two main areas: Portable and Desktop.

In the Portable we can further differentiate between pocket size and non-pocket size.

In the desktop, we can differentiate between hand held or stationary.

This is relative to size only.

Then we need to differenciate between the power source: electric, butane.

Then we need to differentiate between the type of electric source: AA batteries, battery, wall plug.

I salute your idea J.R.R. Tokin' but we need to establish the degree of the labeling, and if we allow in the labeling the modifications people make, like bringing an SSV or a log vape with a car adapter.

I suggest we keep it simple, and let the modding to each thread and to more advanced users. That way a newbie can say: i am looking for a portable pocket size vape, butane powered. And you can answer, well you have lotus, vg, vapman, etc..


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea. Sounds like maybe something could be put on the wiki after some sort of consensus is reached on various definitions/descriptions?

edit: oh wait--is the link to the wiki site gone or just hiding from me?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
The link to Vaporpedia is in the sidebar on the right of the Main page. It's inconspicuous right now, but vtac hasn't has much chance to fix things up the way he'd really like it yet. It's easy to remember anyway:


Level 30 Nature/Healer
When I imagine desktop vapes I always think of them having a cord or something that needs to be wall plugged. I like to consider the MFLB portable but with the PA its converted into a desktop as that makes it virtually not portable.


When I imagine desktop vapes I always think of them having a cord or something that needs to be wall plugged. I like to consider the MFLB portable but with the PA its converted into a desktop as that makes it virtually not portable.

This is precisely what i was talking about.

Using what i said, the mflb+aa batteries is a pocket size portable, on the other hand the mflb+pa is an hand held desktop. This is a case where a vape has two different setups. But usually there is not such a difference between setups in the same vaporizer. Once again, we should keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
since the launch box was originally designed as a portable, and the cord is an aftermarket accessory, it is still a portable.

magic flight doenst have a box + power adapter kit on their site. It is marketed as a portable.


I personally don't give a fuck on that one. i know i'm a vapist and not a rapist! lol

not trying to offend, but that's how I feel.


Wych Doctor
So, it seems the ball has started rolling on two main areas - the unit definition and definition of efficiency.

If we can stick to discussing the ‘Type Classification’ first and then we can move on to discussing the term ‘Efficiency’ in more detail.

It looks like we have a general consensus on the terms 'Portable' and 'Desktop'. I think pakalolo’s definition works well for these:

PORTABLE - A portable is small in size, has a self-contained or external power source e.g. battery or butane and is designed for ease of use in the outdoors.

DESKTOP - A desktop is a unit that has to be plugged in while in use.

I don't really see much of a difference between vapes like the VHW and MW and the others you mentioned. (full disclosure, I have never seen a herborizer, or read its thread which most probably exists).

You plug it in, sit down, and vaporize.

Im curious What it is about those ones that makes you say that you wouldn't call them desktop vapes?

The reason that I separated the VHW etc. is the way they are used. They are bong specific and used in a slightly different fashion to the other group mentioned. Although I do think they come under the heading 'Desktop' but under a subgroup - maybe 'Wands' is a good generic term for them?

So, firstly I would like to propose a few sub groups for the desktop category, taken from post above or pre-existing:

WHIP – A vaporizer that uses tubing, usually silicone or PVC, with a mouth piece, similar to a hookah.
BAG – Vaporizers that can only blow bags.
FLASH – Concentrate vaporizers that use a butane heated surface. Including; nails, domes and skillets.
WAND – Vaporizers that are specifically mated to bongs, usually in a baton form.
LOG – A wooden vaporizer using a metal heat exchanger/ island/ sink.

I think that covers most areas. I know some units cross over into multiple categories, but there are very few that do and in such cases they can be called both e.g. The EQ would be a DESKTOP-WHIP/BAG vaporizer.

Please discuss these ‘Desktop’ sub categories first and then we’ll move the discussion onto ‘Portable’ sub categories. Sorry if it seems like I’m being a bit pushy in directing the discussion. I just feel that it’s too easy for a thread like this to get bogged down in too many discussions at once which makes the aim – a glossary of terms – almost impossible to formulate.


Well-Known Member
I've always preferred vaporist over vapist, even though it doesn't roll of the tongue very well. I think there's gotta be a better word to use, but I don't know what it is. I think there's been a thread about it ?

With regards to the "efficiency" question, I agree with the "beating a dead horse" take that some others seem to have. Good luck trying to get consistent/correct usage on that word, even if we could get some consensus in this thread and/or definitions in the vaporpedia.

In my opinion, Log doesn't really fit in the with others as a subcategory. For example, calling a CRZ a Desktop-Whip/Stem/Wand/Log just doesn't feel right to me. :2c:

What about, instead of Desktop vs. Portable, we start with what kinda sorta has already been suggested: Wall-plug v. Batteries v. Lighter . There are a couple of vapes that cross over more than one of those three categories, but I think they all could easily be considered to be primarily in one of those categories (e.g., MFLB is primarily in the Batteries category, but is also in the Wall-plug category with the PA). Maybe someone can come up with something better than "Wall-plug" as the name of that category though? :)

edit: oh yeah, I guess we'd also need a Friction category too, for that weird European pull-the-string vape :p
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Tokin', i think those are subcategories that relate to the process of how you vape, and not about size and type of usage.

I dont know if i made my distinction clear, but i think that when buying a vape i first think about size, power and then the process and its differences, with all the preferences of each individual user.

So, i would suggest that before we subcategorize between extraction/usage types we differenciate regarding the size since a Volcano is bigger than an extreme and much bigger than a log. Or do you guys think this is of less importance?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Based on my experience, I don't believe you can define a set of categories and then place individual devices in only one. What you can do is define a set of characteristics and indicate for each model whether the unit has that characteristic or not. The MFLB therefore would be marked as having both battery and wall plug for a power source.

I tried building such a matrix for Vaporpedia purposes some time ago. As you can tell by its absence, I gave up on it. It's a daunting task.
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WHIP – A vaporizer that uses tubing, usually silicone or PVC, with a mouth piece, similar to a hookah.
BAG – Vaporizers that can only blow bags.
FLASH – Concentrate vaporizers that use a butane heated surface. Including; nails, domes and skillets.
WAND – Vaporizers that are specifically mated to bongs, usually in a baton form.
LOG – A wooden vaporizer using a metal heat exchanger/ island/ sink.

Please discuss these ‘Desktop’ sub categories first and then we’ll move the discussion onto ‘Portable’ sub categories. Sorry if it seems like I’m being a bit pushy in directing the discussion. I just feel that it’s too easy for a thread like this to get bogged down in too many discussions at once which makes the aim – a glossary of terms – almost impossible to formulate.

Whip - I like it.
bag - good to me
flash - never heard of this before but it makes good sense to me.
wand - I don't like this one. it think of a whip when i think of a wand not sure what to suggest instead though. Water pipe adapter, GonG, connector... I'm not sure... anyone else got better suggestions?
Log-yep sounds good man.

2 other definitions that should be mentioned are "forced air"(pumps) vs "direct draw"(suction/lung power).


Well-Known Member
Based on my experience, I don't believe you can define a set of categories and then place individual devices in only one. What you can do is define a set of characteristics and indicate for each model whether the unit has that characteristic or not. The MFLB therefore would be marked as having both battery and wall plug for a power source.

I tried building such a matrix for Vaporpedia purposes some time ago. As you can tell by its absence, I gave up on it. It's a daunting task.

Maybe that matrix might be a good starting point for what JRR is trying to get going here? I've been wondering if some sort of table/matrix would work well, since vapes would not have to be grouped into specific categories--though I do absolutely see that it would be challenging.


Wych Doctor
Guys I think we're getting a little too specific here. What this is is a list of terminology that we can standardise. It doesn't matter if a vaporizer is multi function, what matters is how we describe those functions. It is a daunting task but time is not a factor and I'm quite happy to keep 'summarizing' the thread at points to further the discussion and give it some structure.

@placetime. " Log doesn't really fit in the with others as a subcategory. For example, calling a CRZ a Desktop-Whip/Stem/Wand/Log just doesn't feel right to me."

The reason why I put the 'Log' sub category with no description of it's use, just it's heating, method is because they are versatile. So there is no need for the long description above 'Log', I think, will suffice.

"What about, instead of Desktop vs. Portable, we start with what kinda sorta has already been suggested: Wall-plug v. Batteries v. Lighter . There are a couple of vapes that cross over more than one of those three categories, but I think they all could easily be considered to be primarily in one of those categories (e.g., MFLB is primarily in the Batteries category, but is also in the Wall-plug category with the PA)."

I'm trying to utilise terminology already generally used, as much as possible, but refine it for better understanding. The Batteries and Lighter categories are the realm of potables imo. Though I can think of 2 anomalies to this, namely the Vapocane and the gn0me GonG (though this can be portable). So, there may be room for a sub category to encompass these - what are peoples thoughts?

Also, regarding the MFLB. Imo it's a portable that has an accessory to plug it in. Thus it should be regarded as a portable. I wouldn't consider the EQ a portable, but there is an available battery pack for it - imo it's a Desktop that has an accessory to make it Portable.

@Vorange. About the size issue. I don't think with a 'Desktop' it is of major importance as the fact that it needs to be plugged in. For a portable I believe that it is much more important to discuss the size - but that's a later discussion ;)

@Weedemon. The reason I chose 'Wand' is because that is the name they have given themselves (i.e Vriptech Heat WAND or Magic WAND). I think it works as a general description, but am open to suggestions if any one has any?

Also, the reason I didn't differentiate between the forced air and direct draw is because they both use a 'whip'. From reading up on the EQ thread (which I have read all) it seems that most people tinker using forced air at the beginning but soon move to solely using the direct draw method.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that JRR. I got caught up in thinking about the discussion and lost sight of your original intent. I was kinda thinking more about organizing all of the info vs. working on a list of terms, I guess. If we're working only on terminology, then it doesn't matter so much right now which vapes can be described with which terms--we're just defining terms. We're not talking "categories" necessarily right now, we're just trying to nail down what we mean when we use specific words, right?

So, as has been asked, what defines a Desktop vape? Seems to me that maybe it's one that people use indoors, most commonly plugged into a wall? I think that when working on creating/defining a list of terms there's no need to spend much time on quibbling about the specifics of this particular word--I haven't ever noticed anyone getting confused by use of the term "Desktop" when describing a vape. But if we were trying to categorize all vaporizers and were trying to nail down which vapes are or are not Desktop vapes… :/ :p

I think that defining the term Portable might be trickier. Some people on this forum seem to think of "Portable" to mean that you can bring it to somewhere easily in a special bag or case or something, which would include some/most/all Desktop vapes, depending on the individual's preferences (I seem to recall someone even calling a Volcano a Portable because he could easily put it in a bag and bring it places). BUT, other people seem to think of "Portable" to mean a vape that you can *use* "on the go", like a MFLB or a Solo. Distinctly different ways of thinking about the word, in my mind.


I think a portable is any device that is not tethered to an outlet, and can be used anywhere.

like, I could make my volcano classic portable with my car inverter, but it could never be a "portable"


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
I personally don't give a fuck on that one. i know i'm a vapist and not a rapist! lol

not trying to offend, but that's how I feel.

I'm not bothered by either term, though I started a thread here using "Vapist" in the title and felt bad about it after Qbit pointed out what J.R.R. pointed out. But then, I'm a bassist, which also rhymes with something awful (begins with "r"), though I don't think about that any more than I thought vapist ryhmed with that other awful thing. Sometimes I'll say I'm a bassist, and sometimes I'll say I'm a bass player.

I appreciate the comments here--very helpful for a guy that's just begun using herb though devices that heat but don't combust said herb :brow:
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Pure Vaporist
I have a term. 'vape drunk' Meaning: 1. noun: someone who vapes cannabis 'all day long' "Dude, you're a vape drunk".. 2. A person intoxicated due to massive amounts of vapor Adjective: 1. A temporary state in which one is completely free of pain and or mental strife.


Well-Known Member
Whether you are working on developing terminology or taxonomies/classification systems, in the real/work world these projects generally start with the basics, the core concepts to be dealt with, and work up to terminology from there.

Before getting to terminology - words and definitions - it probably would be helpful to develop a running list of concepts for which you might want to consider adopting terms and definitions for. For example, "portable," "desk top," "vapist," can all be listed and considered as concepts (which also may minimize vaporizer-specific discussions). Then we can ask: Does that concept need a term (in the context of vaporizers), if so what, and then do we bother to define it?

As far as definitions, I don't think these should be much of a concern. After coming to some type of consensus concerning concepts and terms to be used for them, a formal definition is usually not needed. Most potential terms, such as "portable" and "desk top" already have well-understood definitions. It's just a matter of determining their applicability and desirability for use to describe vaporizers.
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