I have to share with you. For the last month or so, I have been screening fc forums to get all the infos needed to produce some concentrate. I want to see if and how it can replace my herb needs. And both your qwet and qwiso tread were great source of information for me. Thank you.
Backtracking the persei tread, because I need one to fully experiment with concentrate, I liked a lot of your posts. Your begginer position ressembles mine. Ethanol is expensive in canada, but half your price in ozzy. Still, 60$/litre compared to 10$/litre iso would be a nice saving. That and being able to use/reuse oil slick pads infinitely vs ptfe rolls. Ptfe pads testing comming soon from
But im afraid I will fuckup with iso. And shortening purging time is one thing I want to upgrade for my next run. I feel if you shared your more recent exp I would get good results.
But here is my problem. I dont go out a lot. I spent work days inside home. For the last 5 years since I started playing online poker. I dont feel confident reaching out to get new friends. I have never understood and liked to communicate by "chatting"; so I dont connect with the majority of internet dwellers. I still operate with letter style expression (like here!) and phone calls where I do my equivalent of "chatting". Or at a dinner table is the best. I get a feeling of being part of a group on fc. Mostly lurking, but I try to share when I feel I have something to share. But here, I feel like at my 2nd home. My friends irl dont medicate, dont care about my findings. Here, I feel accepted.
Your post threatens my being part of a group feeling. 2 days of silence in this tread since you launched your idea of a private select group feeds my fear. And trying to follow your lead and try to include myself in that select group is out of my league. What is in my league is sharing my experience letter style on a forum. Spending a lot of time scanning forums for infos. Adding to brainstorming process. Applying complicated process ocd style. Putting a few hundreads $ (wich is already done so far) happily in the name of experimenting to get the best fastest results.
Here is little contribution I havent read so far that should be good for iso. Freezing the iso in a container you can instant pour in the mason jar with buds to even iso to herb exposition instead of direct from the slow pouring bottle.
I dont understand how your want to commercialise your secret qwiso tech, but I dont expect an answer. How to sell an idea with copyrights? Its not like you can say you will produce and sell your concentrate so thats the reason you are keeping your tech secret. And I dont think you came up with a new scientific process never applyied elsewhere. I think you gave a lot of hints in the qwiso tread and speaking with a schooled industrial scientific guy (wich I dont have in my entourage

) could conclude with a similar tech to yours'. I understand poker players (my world!) charging their time, because you make nice money with the infos. When learned, they become competition. But qwiso tech? I cant grasp the buisness plan it could work on.
But in your case, I see more positive for you to share. Having random mostly lurkers like me repeat the exact steps you propose and sharing subtely enhancing comments. Or finding a new variable in the process climate wise. Having hundreads of watchers that might share extras instead of a small group.
Others sharing their love and appreciation for what you shared. That should be a good pick me up in the morning! You would multiply that probability x fold!
But here is the other side of the medal, relying purely on ego feedings is an ointment to sooth the hurt soul, not a long term solution.
Another contribution I can make out of fc subjects is playing the devils advocate. Im not good at saying poor you, its not your fault, the system did this to you. Although sometimes those are the only things I can say. But im an expert at finding solutions for the good of everybody, look at a situation from a different angle. Service offered through voice communications only
That was what I had on my heart. I was busy the last 2 days, but I put a lot of thoughts on this. I have a tendancy to make people feel responsible for my emotionnal reactions and I hope it didnt come out like this. I tried to express my wants, my separation feeling from this group since your post with good for everybody solutions.
I wish your life hurdles have stoped, or at least lessened, and life learning from them outweights the initial negative experience.
And I wish we can keep this tread and idea sharing open to everybody
edits: few missing letters corrected to correctly express myself