I think I'm going to go with a scientific ceramic top hot plate they seem to keep a consistent precise temp. It's in Celsius but the temps work out
@FlyingLow dropped his hot glass nail on the floor. Why and when will I need to manipulate a hot nail? Are there tools I should get to mitigate the risks of handling hot nails?
How does a newbie choose between daisy, castle, and club banger nails?
they have grown on me!Just put the nail in the piece, heat it, dab, and leave the nail till it cools, no need to handle while hot.
There are small differences, but any quartz nail is cheap, durable and tastes good. The banger style is a favorite here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/181450730905?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
I have great results with my cimarec with a SS flat bottom chamber most of the time. Temp control is super easy with no noticeable fluctuation. I check my oil temps often with an IR gun. I've used it with a pyrex round chamber. I think the bottom is concave on that too. Seemed fine then. The stir feature is quite awesome for other things as well.I have one and it's quite useless for this purpose. The flat surface makes poor contact with your most likely concave bottom chamber.
it took a big propane torch to clean my ceramic... it took a lot more heat thsn I thought it would.So I went from a Quartz Castle to a domeless ceramic, and now back to the castle.
I found while the taste was comparably good, I really did not like the ceramic. Took too long to torch and no way of really telling if the temp was right. With quartz, I find I can torch till the slits glow, then wait a few seconds and go... with ceramic, I went through a lot more butane.
The ceramic was great for large pulls, and did hold temps far better, but it would also leave a ton of black residue in the top of the nail. The "self cleaning" by torching also takes much more time and I found it nearly impossible to completely clean with my smaller Vector Nitro size torch. The quartz does not leave near as much residue and cleans much easier IMO.
Anyway, I am back on quartz. Quick heat ups, great taste, cleans easy![]()
well... define your definition of clarity...Checking back in with many more questions:
So I got my kief and unfortunately it's very green. Like very very green. I tried freezing the kief/doing a 1 minute and even 45 second ethanol wash to no avail, came out green as hell. I left it in the sun to kill the chlorophyll which it kind of did but still came out dark and not see through at all.
So I ask once again, what the heck determines clarity of the wax?? Really running out of ideas here, I mean it's clear if it's thin enough but once it's .25-.5 inches thick turns straight black. Is there any way at all to get see-through wax without using fresh/high quality buds? Has anyone tried making shatter from hexane washes?
Next question, this has happened twice now, after I leave it in the sun to kill the chlorophyll, it leaves this red liquid.
Is the red the "burnt up" chlorophyll? I tried just filtering it to remove it but that didn't work, I think it came out fine when I froze the liquid and then filtered it but honestly can't remember. Looking into graphitized carbon now (as recommended by Graywolf) but no idea how well that would work.
Checking back in with many more questions:
So I got my kief and unfortunately it's very green. Like very very green. I tried freezing the kief/doing a 1 minute and even 45 second ethanol wash to no avail, came out green as hell. I left it in the sun to kill the chlorophyll which it kind of did but still came out dark and not see through at all.
So I ask once again, what the heck determines clarity of the wax?? Really running out of ideas here, I mean it's clear if it's thin enough but once it's .25-.5 inches thick turns straight black. Is there any way at all to get see-through wax without using fresh/high quality buds? Has anyone tried making shatter from hexane washes?
Next question, this has happened twice now, after I leave it in the sun to kill the chlorophyll, it leaves this red liquid.
Is the red the "burnt up" chlorophyll? I tried just filtering it to remove it but that didn't work, I think it came out fine when I froze the liquid and then filtered it but honestly can't remember. Looking into graphitized carbon now (as recommended by Graywolf) but no idea how well that would work.
I use a lab filter + 2 coffee filters run through a buchner funnel with vacuum assist. My girl also suggested I get a very fine lab filter, I'll probably try either that or just get the carbon (as I assume the carbon filter is equally fine)@hishighness
What kind of screen are you using to strain your run? If you're just using a coffee filter for a kief run I'd assume that it's not fine enough and some of the kief/plant material is making it through before considering any other points of failure.
Since you are doing commercial runs I can understand the concern for an appealing looking product.@farscaper yes I did winterize and refilter, nothing came out that I could see which I think is strange considering this is very green kief (though I did leave it very short amount of time).
@DieHard unfortunately I would not be able to afford my wax without doing it commercially. The people I work with are very very very particular since 100% of their business is done in 20 seconds, walk in, look at it, either they want it or they don't (if they didn't know me they wouldn't even consider getting some black looking wax and I wouldn't either honestly).
Clarity and color are factors I thought determined a good product. But now I find that even though I am doing all the right things, and my product is very well purged and stable, it does not look the way it "should". So now I wonder how important are clarity and color really? Ultimately I think I'll have to get my stuff tested so I know for sure, as that would be the only way to "prove" its quality.
Edit: Oh yeah, and I spoke to my chemist regarding mixing water with the ethanol and she said that the ethanol would be riddled with salt if you tried to do that to separate and would be left in the wax when it evaporated (and makes sense since ethanol/water/salt mixes when doing a hexane wash). If you tried to distill the water out she said the chlorophyll would probably stay in the solution with the ethanol. She isn't very experienced in these types of extractions (obviously) but what she said made sense so I don't think I'll try it.
Still very interested in trying the carbon but would have to order some most likely.