Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)


The Dude
Maybe they can ship the main vase looking part sans bowl + power supply, pop some flowers in the VB/OAB and call it a fancy flower vase :), the bowl and power supply can just be labelled as miscellaneous. Have to get creative :D
Like this?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Guys, this is not the retailer review thread... :whip:

Modnote: 3 posts moved to the retailer discussion thread.

Anyone look up how the ban on shipping vape ware by various shipping companies to the states will be affected by this? If at all? AOV could be in a bind come March with a whack of US orders and no one to deliver them. Sorry... just something to think about
Just label it as "some fancy art"

This is how it is shipped, UPS just picked up my busted bandit the other say, the label has it classified as ceramic art.

Any news concerning if the power supply will be changing with the April batch?

No news, don't expect that!
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toke down Babylon
Pardon my ignorance in electronics.

All the discussion regarding the power supply unit is about just dialing in the voltage more precisely, right? And then there's a concern that if the original one crapped out you could replace it with a compatible device, right?

On a completely different note... I was living down in the low 9's for the past few days. This morning I just got an itch to go deep. Cranked to 11+ and no issues with combustion. I think the reason I combusted so much when I was a VapBong virgin wasn't a "voltage too high" issue. It was 100% user error.

Hard to explain. But, last week I couldn't go above 10 without scorching every load. Now, just one week later I'm cruising at 11.4 with huge clouds, zero charring, and two or three more huge inhales per load. The device didn't change, the cannabis didn't change, the load size didn't change. I'm just using her better. She trained me patiently, gently, and quickly.

Love this thing!


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Woah is that a new design?? Or an old video?
It’s new stuff! Yt vid was published 3 hours ago, the following were shared on Telegram and show each piece singularly.
I don’t know if it’s a new design or just a new art piece. He probably says it during the video. Let me tag German speakers @Legalize Weed in GERMANY
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Well-Known Member
That is the wildfire, with black cobblestone over it, we had seen here previously... Not surprised they would be making more of them! Love it with that blue gecko :drool:
I hope these will be on the site soon so I can order. I have Canada Autumn 🍁 art series OAB scheduled to be delivered this Thursday (got delayed from tomorrow).


Hello everyone! Long time lurker on the FC forum. I finally created an account!

I managed to snag an Obsidian OAB in the VGOODIEZ sale this past weekend. I'm very excited to try this beast out. I've owned a lot of top tier desktops in the past, but I only own a Mighty now. Safe to say I'm going to get wreck'd when this arrives.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Hopefully u all don't mine a long post! Need to break it up into a few posts because I have a few images to share.

My wildfire one-armed bandit arrived to Colorado on 2/5/2021. I placed the order on 12/15/2020. I was very excited to get my OAB - I have been following along with this thread, and figured I should add my story now. This is the first thread that I've followed on FC, but it was definitely the reason I pulled the trigger on this device. I have previously owned many vaporizers, but have either sold or given away nearly all of them to reduce clutter and focus more on enjoying the experience itself :)

The box was packaged well, and everything seemed to be looking good - no holes, no rattling sounds or anything! Sadly when I got the package open, the arm was broken clean off and placed right inside of the stem :(. Everything was wrapped in nice thick bubble wrap, so it seems to strange to me that the piece would've broken off, turned over and went right into the stem during normal handling. I personally think it was placed there after being found broken, or (hopefully not!) broken on purpose. The bowl, plate, and power supply were in great condition. The pieces felt so good - and the glaze looked so much better than I ever expected. I guess I've never really handled a handmade glazed ceramic piece like before - it's a truly unique feeling. At first I was very bummed out that it was broken.

I contacted Daniel, and as expected - he responded the next day. He was very helpful and offered to completely return the broken unit for a brand new one - or a partial refund for the broken one. I waited for a day or two after getting his email to think it over. I was pretty torn, and I still hadn't even used it yet. In my initial email, I mentioned that I had seen a post on here where someone fixed a break. I knew as soon as I saw how it broke that I would be able to fix it, but it would never be perfect because there were small gaps where it broke.

I just felt in my heart that this piece was mine - I didn't want to return it, and I knew that due to the location of where it broke - it wasn't going to hurt the functionality of it at all. I responed to Daniel and let him know I'd be keeping it. In the future I'm going to snag a really awesome glaze for full price, and I will gift this piece to my father to return the karma to AOV. Now it was time to patch it up and try it out! I didn't have the required epoxy on hand, but I wanted to make sure everything else was working. First I used masking tape to loosely hold it together while protecting the surface, and then I wrapped it somewhat tightly with this stretchy "compression tape" I have - sometimes it's used as a temporary fix on a leaky pipe. It was a great fit and totally functional - but not very pretty.



Well-Known Member

I turned it on and let the heat soak. I'm used to these vvps units, so I sort of expected the voltage drop. but it was also confirmed that it would here. I started it up at 11.5 and let it fully drop to 10.7. I don't fully remember that first hit - I think I got some good terpy flavor, but not much vapor at all. I knew it was too low. I turned it up and little and let it soak again. It was a little better, but still too low, so this time I turned it so that it settled at 11.0. I know all units are different, but I had been reading some other users reporting running at very low temps, so I was a little surprised. This was last week here in Colorado, and it was pretty cold in the garage I use it in - likely dipping down as low as 35f so that may have played a role too.

Once I got it set to that voltage, it was really ripping nice! I personally have never had a hotspot, and nowhere near combustion.

I happily tried this out for a day or two, but knew the time had come to really fix it.

I got some jb-weld epoxy - it says it's rated to 550f or something like that, but I have held my hand on that part of the ceramic, even much lower than where the break is, and it doesn't get even remotely warm. I know some people may scoff at having such a nice piece with an epoxy weld on it, but after using this I am sleeping very well at night :D

At first, I did a somewhat decent, but defintely not visually perfect bonding job

I glued it up and rested it so it was laying vertical, with a really good contact, and let it sit somewhere warm for 24+ hours. It was definitely a solid bond.

Once it was all set, I took a hair dryer to soften the epoxy and used a fresh razor blade to cut it off pretty close to the ceramic. On the inside of the tube I took some filing tools and got it roughly close to clean - I gave it a fresh clean afterwords to remove the bits that fell down. I can't get a picture of the inside, but I can see with a light before and after that the excess epoxy is gone. There is absolutely no taste or smell impacted at all.



Well-Known Member

It was pretty acceptable, and definitely strong, but you can see it wasn't perfect. I think I could have just been fine with it like this, or I could've even asked my wife help me find something like matching nail polish or something similar to cover the weld maybe :) Possibly even get some of the same wildfire glaze, but I have no idea how that works, I'm assuming that now there is epoxy you wouldn't want to fire it.

I decided for now I would just wrap the wound with some hemp rope. I think I'll keep my eye out for some nicer type of cord to use in the future, as I kind of like this look, but this was all I had on hand! It feels good!

The OAB really holds up strong in my opinion. As I mentioned before, I've used many different vaporizers in the past and I wouldn't trade this one. I currently have this, a dynavap/woodscents, and a mighty. For me, this one really stands out because of it's form factor, the fact that it's super low maintenance and doesn't need any extra tools or accessories - it really feels like a more traditional and personal way of using cannibis, and it is the ideal "macro-doser" for me. I can currently fully extract a nice size pack that just covers the screen in 1.5 hits :haw:

Sorry again for the long post - but I thought this story was funny. It got really, really cold here the other night. Like -10f outside. My brother in law came to visit, and I was excited to show this to him. I went outside to make sure it was warmed up and it wasn't hitting at all. Like not even pulling _at all_. I said "what?", I checked again and the water literally froze inside of it :uhoh: whoops! I quickly brought it inside and let it thaw. I don't think it had been out there like that too long, but it's kind of scary to me!

PS - Get a smart outlet! I got 4 of these on amazon for pretty cheap and it works great! I have mine set to just turn off every night in case I ever accidentally leave it on. I can also turn it on remotely to start warming up. I never use the dial anymore - just turn it on or off on the app or switch. I also have it hanging from a little hook because it does get hot.

PSS - I have a braided whip and adapter coming from Lamart. I asked for something that matches orange and black, so we'll see!


Home of the Heavies

It was pretty acceptable, and definitely strong, but you can see it wasn't perfect. I think I could have just been fine with it like this, or I could've even asked my wife help me find something like matching nail polish or something similar to cover the weld maybe :) Possibly even get some of the same wildfire glaze, but I have no idea how that works, I'm assuming that now there is epoxy you wouldn't want to fire it.

I decided for now I would just wrap the wound with some hemp rope. I think I'll keep my eye out for some nicer type of cord to use in the future, as I kind of like this look, but this was all I had on hand! It feels good!

The OAB really holds up strong in my opinion. As I mentioned before, I've used many different vaporizers in the past and I wouldn't trade this one. I currently have this, a dynavap/woodscents, and a mighty. For me, this one really stands out because of it's form factor, the fact that it's super low maintenance and doesn't need any extra tools or accessories - it really feels like a more traditional and personal way of using cannibis, and it is the ideal "macro-doser" for me. I can currently fully extract a nice size pack that just covers the screen in 1.5 hits :haw:

Sorry again for the long post - but I thought this story was funny. It got really, really cold here the other night. Like -10f outside. My brother in law came to visit, and I was excited to show this to him. I went outside to make sure it was warmed up and it wasn't hitting at all. Like not even pulling _at all_. I said "what?", I checked again and the water literally froze inside of it :uhoh: whoops! I quickly brought it inside and let it thaw. I don't think it had been out there like that too long, but it's kind of scary to me!

PS - Get a smart outlet! I got 4 of these on amazon for pretty cheap and it works great! I have mine set to just turn off every night in case I ever accidentally leave it on. I can also turn it on remotely to start warming up. I never use the dial anymore - just turn it on or off on the app or switch. I also have it hanging from a little hook because it does get hot.

PSS - I have a braided whip and adapter coming from Lamart. I asked for something that matches orange and black, so we'll see!
I had the same thing happen to a customer of mine. He did the same fix for the same reason. Congrats! I have the wildfire OAB as well!


i am alcohol intolerant
Nope? Never heard of that...
This is "LA Weeds" brand :rolleyes::lol:


Just easy delivery, everything I've had in quarantine is from that basically, not sure if my go to dispensary is still operational even... right now I've got the cereal milk, lemon meringue, blue flame, candyland cookies, grease monkey, strawberry shortcake, OZK, tiger's milk, blueberry cheesecake, plus nugs of a few others!
What grinder is that? Looking for one to match my plum jelly


My brother in law came to visit, and I was excited to show this to him. I went outside to make sure it was warmed up and it wasn't hitting at all. Like not even pulling _at all_. I said "what?", I checked again and the water literally froze inside of it :uhoh: whoops! I quickly brought it inside and let it thaw. I don't think it had been out there like that too long, b

Be careful with water freezing inside, the thermal expansion of ice has been known to break some nice rigs.


i am alcohol intolerant
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