Update: Art of Vapor got back to me this morning and the Vapbong will be heading back for repairs.
They did advise me to keep the ball off when not using to avoid any "Bridge" to the water and heater. I was already removing it after each use but thought I would mention for others to know.
They also said that pulling hard on the cable can damage the device. I have not pulled on the cable but thought I should mention this as we all have to disconnect and change water and clean so use extreme caution when moving the Vapbong around.
Yea I def do not advise this either (I was the one who mentioned it in a unique context). With my OAB cord there was a little give/slack (~1/2 cm), which was very noticeably effecting performance depending on its position, so I very delicately pulled the little slack out and stopped as soon as there was tension (definitely didn't 'pull hard' in any sense - like the cord/coil would move that much anyway with normal, delicate movement of the cord - again, effecting performance) and it's now snug and performing flawlessly. There is no such 'slack' with my VB cord.That makes sense, I try to be very careful when I do the unplug from the VVPS for water change, someone else had talked about pulling the cord to adjust the heater core, yeah definitely don't feel comfortable doing something like that ever myself!
Just saw you edited your post, thanks for that link. I genuinely thought you had meant to type instagram
Hey guys! Does anybody have any information when the next drop will be? I’m interested in purchasing a 1 armed bandit.
Did you guys see the latest art edition? I expect this resonates more with the Europeans, it really reminds me of my childhood. Love obelix.
When are those april preorders shipping doe?
It somehow reappeared, I thought it was a new Obelix unit made out like the older one. Do you think it’s the same piece? Returned perhaps?This Obelix one is actually pretty old, it was still in the store last year during the 420 sale, though it was bought sometime in the last year, you can see it's out of stock on the site now too... Perhaps they are creating listings, so people can see all the previous designs?? That's what I want, a huge gallery of every vapbong ever made! Got my screenshots lol
It somehow reappeared, I thought it was a new Obelix unit made out like the older one. Do you think it’s the same piece? Returned perhaps?
VapBong power adapter (or anything similar actually), is capable of running a variable voltage Verdamper. Or even a regular Verdamper heater if you are willing to modify the electrical connection (pretty easy thing if you are handy). They share the same end connection.
Buying a Verdamper 7-12 V heater I discovered it comes with a female 18.8 joint bowl, so the only thing you need to operate it’s an oil rig with male connection and a Vapbong-like power adapter. 169€ is a small fee to be able to try one of the few heavies (and one of the oldest) still available on the market. Especially now since Vapbongs aren’t available atm.
I bought also a male bowl without knowing it would come with a female one, and regardless of that, my glass pieces are 99% with 18.8 female connection so I needed a male head.
deVerdamper Heiz-Einheit, 7-12V, Cinch-Anschluss, für regelbaren Traf
deVerdamper Heiz-Einheit, 7-12V, Cinch-Anschluss, für regelbaren Trafo in Injection Vapes, Vaporizershop.vivasativa.at
Vapor Heater for the Verdamper Vaporizer by verdampftnochmal
Heater for the Verdamper waterfilter and vaporizers. Fit also on other waterfilter with the damper herb chamber and a dobble 18 connectionsverdampftnochmal.de
When this Obelix popped on the site a couple weeks ago with some of the monster ones it was in stock but was sold within a couple days if I remember correctly, so I think it was a new one but there was indeed another Obelix last year.This Obelix one is actually pretty old, it was still in the store last year during the 420 sale, though it was bought sometime in the last year, you can see it's out of stock on the site now too... Perhaps they are creating listings, so people can see all the previous designs?? That's what I want, a huge gallery of every vapbong ever made! Got my screenshots lol
~ 1 weekWhen are those april preorders shipping doe?
They are great ! I use them with an ash catcher so i can see the vapor densitySale Alert! All bongs 50% off! I said fuck it and got the Mirror Blue ice bong to match my OAB and the Magma flow cause why not!
Do you happen to know how long shipping usually takes to NA?~ 1 week