I definitely still want one! The doc's passion for vaping is undeniable! I bet half the owners of these vape companies don't vape at all.
Haha, I agree it does have an appeal I can see that. Not so much for myself, but I am as little concerned about what things actually look like as just about anybody you are likely to ever meet to be fair.
You should see what I look like at the moment- I'm long long overdue for shave and a haircut!
But it still interests me, I hope this thread gains some actual participants. I'll be ready.
Edit- I just had a thought. I think I might actually make some popcorn to eat when I get eagerly anticipated alerts to these interesting threads.
I haven't actually made or eaten popcorn in years but I did buy some organic popping kernels recently which I haven't got around to cooking yet. So far I've been digging the Organic sugar-free corn flakes with homemade oat milk it has been so nice to have the option of a simple bowl of cereal after so many years cooked food only.
But now I've suddenly realised I can cook my popcorn and sit down with a big bowl of it to catch up on FC!
For real, how did it take me so long to realise that?