Colie Glass


It's a nice little piece made with love! I've been playing with the water level to get some cyclones, getting close! Nice little bubbler.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
what's a recycler ?

The simplest explanation is it's a bong where the water get "cycled" around inside it. i.e. the water travels around inside it.

In this video you can see the water travels up the first pipe and then whirlpools down the second pipe back into the main chamber. Hence it "recycles" the water.


Well-Known Member
Woah that's crazy neat sounding, i dig it. i imagine it'd be a pain in the ass to clean if you ever made the mistake of letting it get too dirty though :X


Well-Known Member
I betcha, the Houston Oilers Are Kicking themselves for not staying with that name.


Glass Blower
love those bubble bottoms :science:

Glass Alchemy just released the new purple rain color....


vapor junkie
Staff member
Heads up that colieglass is now banned from the forum due to a shocking and belligerent unwillingness to abide by the forum and manufacturer rules. Our staff spent three days in a PM patiently attempting to explain the rules to him only to be met with insults, threats, and a general disregard for this community. Very disappointing.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Out of curiosity, what did he do exactly? Obviously before the threats and insults, what precipitated the initial problem is what I mean.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker
Heads up that colieglass is now banned from the forum due to a shocking and belligerent unwillingness to abide by the forum and manufacturer rules. Our staff spent three days in a PM patiently attempting to explain the rules to him only to be met with insults, threats, and a general disregard for this community. Very disappointing.

No business from me then.



Frequently up in space with Bowie
I'm not too fussed, he sells good quality Schott glass at very competitive prices and he never insulted or threatened me personally. Everyone I've seen that's bought his stuff seems really happy with it, I guess what I'm trying to say is it's his products and customer service I'm interested in not his personality. I am of course in no way questioning the mods decision, it's entirely up to them how they run their site and I mean them no disrepect.


Well-Known Member
No business from me then.


I believe that this is a bit harsh, Colie Glass is a great company that turns out great products. Only the mods know exactly why he was banned, but there is always two sides to the story. I believe he got caught up in a dispute that other people were having, and got stuck on the wrong side of it in the mods view somehow. Regardless, I do not believe that this should reflect at all on their products or their work, and I for one will be continuing to purchase colie glass and will post pics on here since he cannot anymore himself.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, what did he do exactly?

Something that a simple apology would probably have fixed... Colie I know the feeling of wanting to rebel against authority but the mods are more like homeowners, and we're in their house.

  • Please contact vtac for account approval before posting. This applies to anyone with a commercial interest and is mandatory. Posting before approval is obtained may result in a ban.
Maybe he just didn't get approval...


Out to lunch
Heads up that colieglass is now banned from the forum due to a shocking and belligerent unwillingness to abide by the forum and manufacturer rules. Our staff spent three days in a PM patiently attempting to explain the rules to him only to be met with insults, threats, and a general disregard for this community. Very disappointing.

In addition, his thread was started/pumped in a shilling fashion (which we suspected and was later confirmed)- "you did get the free bubblers i sent you right, for posting these pics?" , and multiple selling/advertising posts were made in other threads, which is not allowed for manufacturers.

He got more than his share of breaks. We're willing to work with commercial members but only if they're willing to try and follow both the rules for members and commercial posters. When we get "WHO GIVES A FUCK?" concerning the rules, we're done.

Only the mods know exactly why he was banned, but there is always two sides to the story.
I'm sure his story will be different. He's not the first commercial poster to get banned, but others have made mistakes too and corrected their posting. I'm sure we have more than one commercial member that thinks we're unfair or whatever, but they're still here, and will be for as long as they want, as long as they follow the rules.

Posting the reason for the ban isn't a license to start a discussion about it. The topic is the glass. Please stick to discussing that.


vapor junkie
Staff member
i see that as a contribution to the "community"

Along with the sales and exposure colieglass received from this community (with zero fees or expectation of compensation) he did provide a benefit to its members. That's why I took extra effort to help him understand the rules he agreed to abide by. Same goes for you, Xchadb.

No one here has questioned the quality of colie's work, or his business practices. The issue is broken forum rules and an unwillingness to abide by them even when given numerous free passes and detailed explanations. If all parties are agreeable, I'd be happy to post the full discussion that led to this. For now, please stop speculating and get back on topic.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Since Andy's not around anymore I thought I'd post some pics of the latest Colie Glass piece.

It's 14 inches tall with a showerhead diffuser and 5mm wall thickness. The fitting is 18mm and is available in male or female. As with all Colie pieces it's made with Schott glass. The price is $100 to FC members, I believe that includes shipping.​


Well-Known Member
Anywhere I can order some pieces? Does he have a catalog or a website? Alot of his pieces look absolutely stunning. The double reti's remind me of the mobius matrix. I wonder how many "Pin holes" it has.

Another item I'm looking for is a GonG whip 14mm whip adapter to use with my EQ's Silicone tubing. Maybe I do my part to help support the guy his posts always made me laugh and he seems like he loves what he does! :rockon:

Shame he got banned, but this is a community and as part of it we have to adhere to rules no matter if we agree with them or not.

Rrose Selavy

log enthusiast
has anyone paid with paypal? im curious because on the artfire store it says check or money order. im sure its fine i just prefer to use paypal when possible. colie glass seems very nice :rockon:
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