Vape enthusiasms
I got a Colie piece coming too , damn i'm stalking the fuck out off that tracking number !I have a Colie recycler on the way - I can't fucking wait!
I got a Colie piece coming too , damn i'm stalking the fuck out off that tracking number !I have a Colie recycler on the way - I can't fucking wait!
love the joint size on the mini's![]()
9 bucks?!those joints are monsters!!! I had to buy those cause they ran out of the regular lenz joints, and those are the deluxe one, those joints costed me 9 bucks each, can you believe that??!?!?
9 bucks?!damn!
make an uber joint mini![]()
So I got my colieglass recycler today. I will say that our boy definitely has some talent. I think the more practice we him the better he's gonna be! Real potential to be something special. As for my piece, real good idea. I think the funnel piece needs to have a little more distance from the main chamber to form a cyclone. But with that being said the functionality of what a recycler is supposed to do it's fucking spot on! Clean welds, solid, thick hefty joints. Every hole in the perc fires nicely and the piece has a nice sound to it. Thanks for the piece, I intend to continue abusing it and enjoying it!
I have also already dabbed in it! Hit like a fucking freight train!![]()
If you want skillet tools on a budget, look up "wax carving pick set" on eBay/Google. I think all the stainless dab tool sets I've seen are just these rebranded and marked up significantly.
Sick little 5" sidecar man!
Good stuff man, when my wallet agrees with me a little more I might have to grab one. Ill let you know when that happens.
Keep up the work man, lots of stuff on your page now that I'm into
May the Force be with you.... and I'm still pondering setting aside some $$$ to grab a nice piece after summer's over.
Found out at work that the Gov'nor may be shutting us down July 1st. Sigh. We'll see. Might get poorer before I get richer...
What shops in the Denver metro area are you in? Would like to see your recycler and inline stuff in person.