It is certainly looking neat & bubbling like a goodun, but personally, I have never been a fan of carbs positioned after the downstem. Most bongs & bubblers in the UK had this type of carb years ago, back when I started smoking, & I was pleased when they eventually became less common. I always prefered to lift the bowl to clear the entire piece, downstem included, not just the smoke chamber as with this piece (albeit vapor chamber in this case). Also, with this type of carb I found going from bubbling (a certain amount of restriction) to straight airflow (no restriction) rather odd & at times, a little jarring - particularly if I was drawing quite hard & forgot to adjust my rate of inhale before removing my finger from the carb. Plus, as they leave smoke in the downstem I would always still return to the piece & have a second pull, just to clear that part, anyway - otherwise it either ended up getting dirty quicker or the next person to hit it got a certain amount of stale smoke with their draw.
Anyway, it's just my

and you may feel completely differently about all of these things, but I thought it was worth mentioning, just in case.
Regardless, it's great seeing the the swift progress you are making & hats off to you for bringing it to fruition.