Cloud Connoisseur Glass


Well-Known Member
Oh crap! Didn’t know they were shipping already. I ordered a pink prophet, hopefully they ship them all out soon. Pretty excited considering it’s my first glass piece.

Likewize 😁, my first glass piece too.

Getting an ickle bit closer 😂

Latest Update​

Your item arrived at an origin transfer airport in O'HARE INTERNATIONAL, CHICAGO, UNITED STATES on August 6 the item is currently in transit to the destination.



I have had my Calypso for 3 days now. Ran 3 different vapes so far. Absolutely one of the best glass rigs I have ever used. I understand why CC put their logo on this one. It is one to be proud of for sure. It’s a grand slam! It purrs and you can rip as hard as you want and not drink water. I am running at max water level which is my favorite. For sure one of the best rigs for use with a vape and you will know when you hit it. Sorry for my iPad photos which don’t do it justice. It’s real purty also.


Well-Known Member
Hey yall, been trying to get some CC glass for a min now but have been running into the issue of wobbly joints, first I ordered a vertex and the recessed joint had this issue, sent it back for a replacement, the replacement had the same issue, finally I decided to switch to a protege v2 and I am now being told that the protege v2 has a slight wobble as well, tho from the video he sent it seemed like the drop had more of an issue than the protege v2, it was hard to tell the video wasn't that good... Now I'm on the wall about proceeding or getting a refund... as mentioned before the wobble is slight but when applying a tall and heavy vape onto it the wobble becomes worse, unless you force/turn your adapter on but the issue with that is its stuck onto the rig and can't be lifted to clear the hit the way I like, has anyone else had this issue? Is this the norm? I feel like $160 to $200 piece should have secure joint from the drop... cheap glass I bought for $50, while not a work of art, didn't have this issue so I low key feel like I've been given the leftover from orders that no one wants... I really want a CC piece as the cooling function is tailor made for vapes but I can't make up my mind.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I decided to switch to a protege v2 and I am now being told that the protege v2 has a slight wobble as well, tho from the video he sent it seemed like the drop had more of an issue than the protege v2, it was hard to tell the video wasn't that good
I'm a little confused. Do you have a vertex and a protege and they both have wobbly joints? Or did you get a video from CC?

I have a bunch of CC pieces and none have wobbly joints but shit happens. Although I would be surprised to see that are a problem in a row.

Can you share a video of the problem? I'm not sure I understand from your description. I'm not clear how a loose joint could make it so you can't lift the bowl.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hey yall, been trying to get some CC glass for a min now but have been running into the issue of wobbly joints, first I ordered a vertex and the recessed joint had this issue, sent it back for a replacement, the replacement had the same issue, finally I decided to switch to a protege v2 and I am now being told that the protege v2 has a slight wobble as well, tho from the video he sent it seemed like the drop had more of an issue than the protege v2, it was hard to tell the video wasn't that good... Now I'm on the wall about proceeding or getting a refund... as mentioned before the wobble is slight but when applying a tall and heavy vape onto it the wobble becomes worse, unless you force/turn your adapter on but the issue with that is its stuck onto the rig and can't be lifted to clear the hit the way I like, has anyone else had this issue? Is this the norm? I feel like $160 to $200 piece should have secure joint from the drop... cheap glass I bought for $50, while not a work of art, didn't have this issue so I low key feel like I've been given the leftover from orders that no one wants... I really want a CC piece as the cooling function is tailor made for vapes but I can't make up my mind.

Glass varies, but connection involves two pieces, so what are they wobbly with? Are their own mouthpieces wobbly?? What about other CC accessories bowls drop-down etc? Wobbly with every other joint you have???


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused. Do you have a vertex and a protege and they both have wobbly joints? Or did you get a video from CC?

I have a bunch of CC pieces and none have wobbly joints but shit happens. Although I would be surprised to see that are a problem in a row.

Can you share a video of the problem? I'm not sure I understand from your description. I'm not clear how a loose joint could make it so you can't lift the bowl.
I had a vertex, the recessed joint required me to turn/kind of shove the wpa in to get a secure fit, if I just drop the wpa in it doesn't sit fully down and has a slight wobble.

Glass varies, but connection involves two pieces, so what are they wobbly with? Are their own mouthpieces wobbly?? What about other CC accessories bowls drop-down etc? Wobbly with every other joint you have??

I'm aware that's why I used their mouthpiece to check the joint as well, I don't have a drop... also it was after kind of force turning the mouthpiece/or wpa that it would get secure but stuck to the piece which made it difficult to separate the wpa/mouthpiece from the joint but it was due to the slightly wobbly joint that I had to kind of force turn the wpa/mouthpiece in if that makes sense

He sent me a vid of the protege v2 he was going to send in exchange which he was worried I would have issues with... not sure if it would be an issue like the vertex because unlike the vertex it seems like the protege v2 allows the adapter to sit down fully but Luke I said his vid wasn't good and hard to tell

Not sure how to attach a vid on here


Well-Known Member
Happy days 😁

Paper work must have been filed in correctly
Customs were not feeling lazy

My Prophet has already cleared customs and on route.
Looking like I'll have it way sooner than I expected 💚

Looking forward to seeing some photos of others pieces


Well-Known Member
@Naturesvapor I have a handful of 18/14 reducing adapters and some just fit better than others. Although secure, a couple of them will rock back and forth slightly while in there. Like Snacks said takes 2 to tango ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow !! 😲 🎉🎊

Landed, can't get my hat on, delivery was super fast.
Anyone worried about ordering from the UK, don't be .
Aug 3rd to Aug 8th , can't grumble at that, proper impressed.

Now...just need my shift to end and get home to try.

lol, it's gonna drag 😂

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I'm aware that's why I used their mouthpiece to check the joint as well, I don't have a drop... also it was after kind of force turning the mouthpiece/or wpa that it would get secure but stuck to the piece which made it difficult to separate the wpa/mouthpiece from the joint but it was due to the slightly wobbly joint that I had to kind of force turn the wpa/mouthpiece in if that makes sense

So you tried the mouthpiece in the downstem joint? And that is wobbly? Yeah sometimes a joint is just not good, could be more potential issues with a vertex dewar style instead of the right angle protege style, but yeah it is still glass variance. It could happen again, or it could just been that piece, also could just be different people have their own tolerance levels of what they are willing to accept for glass fit tolerance lol for me personally I have a wide variety of pieces and many of them fit wobbly together, eventually they can fit securely with something else, but almost nothing is universally consistent, across China factory and North America handmade in my experience (although most can then be manually grinded for better fits)

He sent me a vid of the protege v2 he was going to send in exchange which he was worried I would have issues with... not sure if it would be an issue like the vertex because unlike the vertex it seems like the protege v2 allows the adapter to sit down fully but Luke I said his vid wasn't good and hard to tell

Yeah I don't know if it is that much of a concern you might not want to take the risk again and waste time, energy, shipping, etc. It depends how much you want the piece and how much you are willing to put up with any perceived imperfection or efforts to risk receiving another one you deem too flawed... Videos have to be uploaded to an external hosting site like imgur, but not sure it's really worth it in this case, may be pointless?

Just got my first CC glass, a clear 18mm incycler I picked up on EE. This thing really chugs and is obviously of extremely high quality. Can't wait for my PV2!

Nice! FYI the influx is not an incycler, it is a normal recycler with vortex funnel (klein) and outer uptake / drain tubes, not inside


Well-Known Member
Couple of days to play with my Prophet..

I'm not happy...🤦‍♂️🙃
Very stoned...

If I get a new vape, yeah you get through a bit of extra green when you first get it, no big deal.

As I've discovered with glass, get a new glass piece n you have to test it with all ya vapes...😂
N have a good play with each vape...

Aye, I've vaped plenty of bud this weekend 😁

Yet again... vaping will save coin ...right o lol

Prophet -sweet piece , joy to use. 🙏
Too smooth if anything 😂
Hard to put it back down 😁


The Lucky Boy
You just missed a round of preorders. I suspect after all those are fulfilled some will be listed in stock. That's what has happened in the past. No preorder discount of course.
Thanks! any idea how often preorders happen/ is there a general time frame when I should be checking the site?


Well-Known Member
Any news on more deliveries from the preorders? Only ordered a single calypso MP this time.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Any news on more deliveries from the preorders? Only ordered a single calypso MP this time.

I don't think we've heard anything about just mouthpieces or smaller glass parts yet other than bowls? I know more glass should be rolling in I think even this week so hopefully an update is imminent for everything...


Well-Known Member
Got my Calypso in a last week and I've really been enjoying it! its slightly smaller than I was expecting but still a really nice and works great with the Epitome and heated Vulcan!

Any news on more deliveries from the preorders? Only ordered a single calypso MP this time.
Depends on when and what color you ordered, the clear Calypso's are the only thing that has been delivered so far afaik.
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