I’m sick as all heck.
If I don’t answer any messages over the next couple days, it’s not that I don’t want to talk to you

i will get color options all figured out. Here is a wig wag Vertex. With a few other variations coming also and I will figure out the best way to make them accessible to orders that are already in.
People have been bringing up Zeal, which is okay. It’s about to be finished and sent to me. I have been hearing some numbers getting tossed around the $120 area for a zirconia enail head that is two parts with a mirror polished sheen. That’s just crazyness…
target price is actually going to be $105

with and SS version right behind it with target price of $35-40 (which preorders will get at very little to no cost since I was able to manage to reduce retail price for every one) and a few other things within the ecosystem like the glass bowls @$6 each when I get my own in stock. I can’t wait to get my hands on this and to all the people. The custom coil I’m trying to do my best to get the retail down on that, I believe I have it down to almost the price of a regular coil.