, First , the collect on the gldg end up with 1100US$ of donation from people

FUCK THAT'S AWESOME ! AND there is about 15 minut my inssurance guy call me and told me that my kiln will be totaly covered , so I just have to buy a new one now

after that I will just have to make some tube to cover the rest . I FEEL SO F$"KING GOOD NOW , YA MAN !!! I'll be back on my feet soon
As for the donation on THE GLDG , I gave my part (so 330usd) to tilman and loic , as they are not lucky as me , this will help them to get back on the road , I WILL NEVER THANKS YOU ENOUGH .
I will try to make some stuff for a donation to FC as all of you was so helpfull with all those good vibe and coment , so keep an eye on my thread , I will let you know when I 'll be able to blow glass again