Clear Dome glass


? & beyond
Damn dude, it's amazing how good you have become! I have to ask, do you have a lot of 'mess - ups'? Or are we seeing the majority of your work?

I have to say that last tube looks slick dude.... you can really see the improvements. Keep it up dude, I'm seriously impressed. :cool:


Glass Blower
yes I think the last one will be a more serious piece if I dont mess it up this after noon LOL my shapping is getting better and my welding skill too ....and yes , all the stuff I have made as been post here .I broke maybe like 4-5 spoons in the begining but all the rest is here . I dont spend a lot of time on blowing glass , maybe about 3-4 hours per week sometime more sometime less , I try to make all my preps before to focus my time when I'm beind the torch .It's something really fun when you like to built some fonctional things ;)


I love how you can kick back and be like "hmmm I wonder how well this would work"

you skills are truly a work of art :bowdown: keep em coming

p.s i see all of the pics as well


vaked fresh daily
i love every custom piece that you make. i can't wait till you break down and let me snag something.:p beautiful mouthpiece and inline. does anyone know where i can buy inlines like i see many people on this forum own and like the ones that clear dome blows?


Glass Blower
HEELLLLL THANNKS N3RD :evil: I think I'm on the right way now :

as you can see the male gong that I was using to hold the femal one got stuck in the the femal gong :mad: it was stuck for ever really :mad::mad::mad: but after trying all possible way to remove it I decide to take my time and cut a section of the male gong with my dremel than remove the rest and I got it almost perfect , there is only to really small scratch on the inner surface of the gong but it is WAY better than loosing the whole piece for that


Glass Blower
I dont get it , is the price for the repair ? or they sold does broken bong ? cause if it is for repair I would say yes the price seem ok


? & beyond
Damn dude, that is some nice work up there!!! :cool: Unfortunate about the stuck piece. Why do you think that happened?

You really gotta get a clean place for snapping pictures, I was fixated on a hair that I thought was a crack in the glass for 2 minutes. :lol:


oil baron
Ya dude!!!!! Absolutely killing it, that one looks spot on. Sucks about the male joint, but it happens. Good to learn a few tricks for how to fix it now!

Clear Dome, I am greatly impressed by your continuous progress my friend. Dont stop going, you are making leaps and bounds daily.

Keep on melting, you will make some great shit.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Ben said:
SpiralArchitect said:
Hey, is it me, or are all the pics from this thread unavailable???? :uhoh:
Same thing here SA.
Haven't checked every single image in this thread, the latest images work for me but clicking any of the thumbs (thumbnails still working) on page 13 for example I get this:

It would suck if turboimagehost decided to delete images or close up shop, since the majority of images posted here are hosted there. It might not be a bad idea to start using a more well known service such as or from now on.

EDIT: Confirmed that they aren't working. The thumbnails are still displaying but clicking them results in the above error.


Glass Blower
I just made that inline , this one is to put on a bong , look great ! was a pain to make LOL pretty hard :

...with some cuba run :brow:


Glass Blower
long time no see, I'm working hard on the reversal , this is really hard :( ...the lil ball loog great on the side of the first flower of the year also a spoon for a friend and a lil sherly for a girl the 14mm elbow is for a friend too ;)


? & beyond
Damn, that sherlock is sick. Lucky girl. :D

How round did the marble turn out? Spiderman was talking about getting some sort of 'casts' in the future, what do you think?


Glass Blower
yeah I love the sherlock , this is my first and the shape is good but flow is not the best that I have seen as the neck is small but it seem to work fine !!

How round did the marble turn out? Spiderman was talking about getting some sort of 'casts' in the future, what do you think?<------humm , not to sure to understand what you talk about ? I did'nt remember spyder talking about a cast ? I just got a marble mold with 6 size of marble this week , it work really great , marble came out really round , maybe not perfect but i can roll on the floor pretty straight


Glass Blower
ok let's make a lil update on my situation , my hot shop is close , my basement need to be fix and it take way more time than what I was thinking , so I have packed all my tools , torchs and glass rods and I'm preparing myself to go the the ''gettogether'' loic's glass party , it will be on april 23-24-25 @ Troi-Riviere at the ''L'atelier du Pouce Verre '' . we hope to be about 10 glass blower some from quebec and montreal and some from ontario , I will take a lot of pix and vids of this event , there will be a live dj during the 3 days , a lot of beer , and of course a lot of green .As usual I will promot vaporization ,FC REPRESENT :p , I think I will bring my purple days and my iolite and also I will try to make some ''special FC pieces'' maybe for a futur ''contest'' or maybe I could make an auction to get some funds for a FC donation to keep this good old forum working or to make it work better :) dunno , I will see ...anyway I'll keep you update


? & beyond
'FC represent' indeed! :cool:

Have a good time man. Sure sounds like one.... I'm sure you'll meet lots of cool cats and learn a thing or two. Looking forward to the recap.

(And man, that sucks about the basement.... someone gonna be fixing it while your gone?)


vaked fresh daily
i'd be down for some custom pieces for FC'ers. i have been silently waiting to outbid everyone.:ninja:

just kidding.:lol: be safe, have fun, and blow lots of sexy pieces CD!


Glass Blower
ha I'm pissed I just wrote huge post and close the window before post it :disgust: ....

anyway to make a long story short , I havent made any new piece since about a month but I have watch a tones of video and have learned a lot of new technic to make some nice glass pieces . this is the last strech before the day D , 3 day before the glass party . I think it will be live so if some of you are curious to see what it look like I will post the link during the trip.

I was messing with my new camera this night and this is how look the 2 complet set for 2 good friends ;) I truly hope they will love the result as there is a bunch of hours of work in this .

first set:

second set:

if you have the connection for look a them in full size fully zoom :)
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