I'm back from trois riviere

....to make a long story short , ten minuts after I arrive to the shop , loic (the owner) make me visit the shop than we went to buy some food and beer . 20 minut after, loic got call from and other guy that was at the shop ...the shop was in fire

and no joke , a real fucking fire , there was 800 lb of propan under presure and 3 full liquide oxy tank (about 500 pounds each) , the fire fighter made a 1kilometer security zone around the house than get out all that fucking gaz .after like 8h or 9h , we was able to see what hapen .....I lost almost all my gear , I'm no kiln , no torch

and loic loose like 100 000$ with no insurance and his job (as he is a glass blower)

. so we did'nt got the time to blow anything , that was the heavest week end of my life , I loose almost all but no one get hurt or die and I made some really serious friends there , probably for life and now I'm sure , I want to do glass work as full job , but for now I'm no kiln , no torch and no money

and know what , the fire happen because of some old electrical wire in the wall that could burn at anytime
and if some want to see how serious it was just look at this :