CD, that inline you made with a dremel is impressive

(you must have a good eye and a steady hand

I can only imagine what you could do with a sharper, thinner, cooler saw.
Ain't glass great? much you can do with it!
I'm glad it seems like you're having fun as your learning new skills.
Short Story: As the people strolled through the convention you could hear a passing group saying, "Oh shit check out that stuff...I've never seen anything like it..that's soo fuckin'
Dome!" As the group strolls onwards, another group is revealed, including the now famous, Clear Dome who is still amazed to hear people refer to sick glass pieces as
Dome! The tallest person of the bunch, at this point, turns to to Clear Dome and says, "Do you remember when we were just a bunch of strangers chatting vap way back before FC ever had a million members? Another (sorta weird one) says, "it
is a serendipitous path we travel." The chubby one says, "Confucius says..." and giggles out of his squinty, little, red be continued?
edit: Thanks for the illustration!