You sure about that? A Vapcap is more like a Bong hit than a Joint by far. The thick vapour that pours out, the ritual of loading a bowl then dropping it into the glass, the short vaporization time, etc. It feels all the world like a bong hit without the combustion.
It's a fair comment to pull up, because the VapCap is pretty nice matched with glass.
And it's fair to say that some will convert to vapour bongs with it without any effort, but I know for me it would take some extra effort to fuck combustion with just a VapCap.
Now I only have the M, no Nonavong. I do want a Nonavong for my glass though, but I've decided on a WoodScents, to try the Ti VC and to have a better heating mechanism, and to get that gorgeous vong.
But, the M being SS is said to maintain temperature better than other models, and even still I find it struggled to keep up with my vaping bong habits big time.
Toking it like a joint is perfect for me, and how I most often use it.
I've actually been using it recently with glass quite a bit too, and I just think because of the chamber size and because of the drop-off in temp, a bong hit for me far surpasses the intensity I get from straight flower in the VC.
Concentrates, even a little sprinkle of kief, can boost this potency and is typically what I rely on to get me to Glormax 9 with a VC.
Old school hits from the bong make getting there much easier, and coming from a heavy hitting bong smoking habit the tolerance is already a factor.
And so that is why I say some effort's required.
I can't tell you how much effort I had to put in with a modded EQ to rid my smoking habit.
Albeit tobacco was an issue there, but still.
The one vape I have that requires zero effort to switch is the Sublimator.
It is all that bong smoking is and more.
Not the most convenient or accessible device though.
My Grasshopper's did a much better job than the EQ, and they were especially good in being portable and interfacing with glass perfectly, but I'd still say there'd be some effort needed to substitute with them.
In terms of the VapCaps, they're nice and I have a few options still to explore, but they just aren't big enough hitters for me, and most of the bong smokers I know would straight up agree.
Aussies have big lungs though, typically. Bong fiends down here.
I've heard plenty of people claim the VC hits hard, and compared to a MFLB I'd agree, but compared to a GH with a 50% bigger chamber and on demand continual heating, or compared to a Sublimator.. those claims don't hold up IME.
The key to replacing bong hits is cloud density and power, and the VC can only produce this quickly before it depletes.
Those other vapes will hold true for as long as desired, 40 seconds, a minute, it's easy work for them. That's a big enough hit that makes bong smoking redundant .
With the VC, the cloud density for a shorter time makes it ideal for replacing joints or pipes in my mind.
I smoked a pipe for some months years ago, it was my portable go to. The transition then would be simple with a VC, and plenty of people smoke bongs like that (tiny green bowls) and they'd have no trouble. The smokers I know and me personally, would.
Certainly it's a great vape through glass, and it is nice to use with a bong. But it wouldn't be my suggestion to someone wanting to quit smoking bongs unless they were light users. I'd definitely recommend it, but heavy users will want something on demand and self powered too I think, and they'd be better to start there perhaps.