It's all part of the Cycle of Life: we are born screaming to accustom ourselves with the pain of living.
Like everything else pretty much ...we humans tend to steer away from anything that is foreign to us. Simply because we don’t know about it or understand. Curious if the op has been present during a birth .Don't have anything to do with it. If you can't handle childbirth, you can't handle rearing children.
What’s gross is being born in a hospital..that’s completely Unnatural and the world has convinced so many of us that free birthing is wrong and the hospital/doctor is right.
i understand having a baby is a necessary for us to advance as a species but why does it have to be so nasty? People screaming, horrible smells and sights. I think it is too much to bear and nasty business that I don’t want anything to do with.
Not saying there shouldn’t be someone present (midwife other knowledgeable person on birthing ) ..but there’s no way a hospital can replicate natural birth. First of all doctors cut the cord right away. Which immediately cuts off the flow between mother and child. This is very damaging for several reasons. Then come the shots ... they are poisoning us in everywhere possible. We are relying too much on convenience ..Letting others do something we should do. On a ramble now so I will stop here lol. C section is crazy bad for the woman as well.I've been on both sides of the hospital argument. One cesarean and one baby breathing in meconium at birth. Without the doctor and hospital setting I could have lost 3 very important people in these two births.
The two cesareans that came after were scheduled births because having had the first one the doctors feel it's up to the woman to decide if they want to try natural birth or not. My wife preferred to make an appointment and it's her body so that's all I needed to hear. I felt like natural childbirth in a more natural setting was worth the attempt but was vetoed.
These days many hospitals have birthing rooms that look like a home.
As a woman, I feel I have the judgement to know if I want a hospital or home birth. I'm thankful for the knowledgeable healthcare professionals who safely delivered my babies. It's harsh to have my childbirth experience judged, by someone who wasn't there, as "unnatural". First it's gross and ugly, and now it's not good enough because I didn't deliver at home in someone's idealized version of how other women should deliver their babies. It's another great day to be a woman.Not saying there shouldn’t be someone present (midwife other knowledgeable person on birthing ) ..but there’s no way a hospital can replicate natural birth. First of all doctors cut the cord right away. Which immediately cuts off the flow between mother and child. This is very damaging for several reasons. Then come the shots ... they are poisoning us in everywhere possible. We are relying too much on convenience ..Letting others do something we should do. On a ramble now so I will stop here lol. C section is crazy bad for the woman as well.
You do you !As a woman, I feel I have the judgement to know if I want a hospital or home birth. I'm thankful for the knowledgeable healthcare professionals who safely delivered my babies. It's harsh to have my childbirth experience judged, by someone who wasn't there, as "unnatural". First it's gross and ugly, and now it's not good enough because I didn't deliver at home in someone's idealized version of how other women should deliver their babies. It's another great day to be a woman.
Exactly. When my daughter was born, it was a beautiful birth, attended by two teams of doctor's and nurses, with a helicopter waiting to airlift my newborn to a children's hospital. My youngest had to go to NICU, then be transferred to a children's hospital. I, myself, was born three months early, and was in an incubator for the first eight months of my life. There is no way there would have been happy outcomes at home. I've also witnessed vag deliveries and several C-sections, and everything was beautiful, with healthy babies and Moms. We all want fairy tales, but reality is good too.@Maninthemachine - agree on most of your points. But....
The convenience of having that operating room right there, surgical staff and equipment when my wife's placenta abrupted saved my wife and first child.
The convenience of having "a team" of neonatal staff and the proper equipment saved my grandson when that meconium issue occurred and that was a natural birth. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he wasn't in that hospital when over 6 doctors and nurses came running into that room.
hahaha....really, next thing is he'll want you to squat in the rice paddy and just drop one. Or maybe like this Monty Python scene. sighAs a woman, I feel I have the judgement to know if I want a hospital or home birth. I'm thankful for the knowledgeable healthcare professionals who safely delivered my babies. It's harsh to have my childbirth experience judged, by someone who wasn't there, as "unnatural". First it's gross and ugly, and now it's not good enough because I didn't deliver at home in someone's idealized version of how other women should deliver their babies. It's another great day to be a woman.
May I ask what happened with your 3month early birth ?Exactly. When my daughter was born, it was a beautiful birth, attended by two teams of doctor's and nurses, with a helicopter waiting to airlift my newborn to a children's hospital. My youngest had to go to NICU, then be transferred to a children's hospital. I, myself, was born three months early, and was in an incubator for the first eight months of my life. There is no way there would have been happy outcomes at home. I've also witnessed vag deliveries and several C-sections, and everything was beautiful, with healty babies and Moms. We all want fairy tales, but reality is good too.
From what I can recall (and while my short term memory may be flawed, my long term memory is flawless) sex wasn't so much about being funny, as fun.I would like to say something a little off topic.
If sex wasn't so funny, would we really be seven billion on Earth?
As a woman, I feel I have the judgement to know if I want a hospital or home birth. I'm thankful for the knowledgeable healthcare professionals who safely delivered my babies. It's harsh to have my childbirth experience judged, by someone who wasn't there, as "unnatural". First it's gross and ugly, and now it's not good enough because I didn't deliver at home in someone's idealized version of how other women should deliver their babies. It's another great day to be a woman.