Cheap High Quality Bubbler

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
They messed up the second picture was of the coil can, one of the other new diffusion pump designs. Its a nice preview of what else is about to come haha

Nobody grabbed the pic of the coil can because it's not on that rattle can page anymore or was it somewhere else?

Edit: My mistake, the pic is still there, I was looking for the "cobra can" no the rattle coil can thingy.
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Mister G,
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You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...

The Coil Can was designed in our own custom glass ideas thread. To my knowledge no other coiled diffusion pump designs exist, save for the two designed in that thread.

To my knowlege coiled pumps aren't available anywhere yet- it is not known when these designs will be made available in sufficient quality.

There is a water test of the Coil Can prototype seen in that image, and a lot more relevant discussion located in the custom glass ideas thread.
Ahhh you're correct, I didn't even notice the perc firing upward like the diffusion pump. I stand corrected, I assumed it was the typical old school coil, kudos on the idea.


Any idea if CCG will offer a Rattle Can in 18.8mm? I'd like to use this with flowers and would prefer not to order from Steven after my last experience.

shark sandwich

"shit sandwich"
Accessory Maker

Steven isn't a bad seller. I received a wonky fab egg from CCG that I posted about earlier in the thread. You can get a bad example from any seller.

Steven and CCG are two of the most reliable sellers, but you shouldn't expect perfection from any piece of glass, especially if it's under fifty bucks.

If the CCG Rattle Can really is 14mm, then it looks like it will be much smaller than Stevens.


If you look closely you'll see there is in fact a ball in the perc, it's just hard to see with the way the photos were taken.
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@shark sandwich I'm not expecting perfection but the example I received had an obvious flaw that a 20 second QC job would have uncovered so they either aren't checking them very closely, or are checking them and are just saying screw it let's go ahead and send it anyways. Since I've joined the community I've come across a lot of different threads saying he's had some increasingly questionable QC over the past year or so.

I also didn't really like the fact that when I asked Jane a question about if I ordered again would she or someone else make sure it was a better example next time, she didn't do anything to address my question other than reassure me that her company was the best glass seller on DHGate


Dabs are vapor too!
@shark sandwich I'm not expecting perfection but the example I received had an obvious flaw that a 20 second QC job would have uncovered so they either aren't checking them very closely, or are checking them and are just saying screw it let's go ahead and send it anyways. Since I've joined the community I've come across a lot of different threads saying he's had some increasingly questionable QC over the past year or so.

I also didn't really like the fact that when I asked Jane a question about if I ordered again would she or someone else make sure it was a better example next time, she didn't do anything to address my question other than reassure me that her company was the best glass seller on DHGate

Just like to add my thoughts to this discussion. Not discounting your feelings, but from my point of view China glass is one of the best deals on the planet! And I like good deals! You have to remember this stuff is getting shipped half way around the globe. For these prices, there are gonna be corners cut. Others have addressed the cultural differences that make communication a bit....challenging at times. Perhaps there is a different view towards ethical behavior. With that being said, I have enjoyed the hell out of my China glass. I would never have had the chance to own such a variety of glassware otherwise.

No offense, and I mean this sincerely, but if you want perfection - buy from an American artist. These guys do beautiful work, with very high standards. If you want to pay the lowest possible prices, like most of us here, you have to accept imperfections. I've probably bought 8 or 9 pieces now, and all have been functionally fine. Cosmetically they all have some faults. The more complex pieces that need to be carefully aligned, were the worst (still perfectly usable - just not perfectly even), the simpler pieces were mostly fine.
I kind of expect there to be minor imperfections. If I really like the piece, but got what I think is a poor example, I sell or give it away, and order again. People around here are de-lighted to get functional glassware for these prices.

To respond to your points, do they QC their stuff? I would say minimally at best. Is that intentional? Yup, in my opinion, they are making the stuff quick and dirty, with the knowledge the customer may just accept it, rather than dealing with a return situation. Are they gonna "cherry pick" a nice unit for you? No. That would be cool, and I would pay extra for it, but probably not gonna happen. I've got an FC-710 and a mini straight fab on the way from Steven. Never ordered from him before, and haven't seen many negative experiences, but I haven't been following this thread 100%. In the past, I've ordered from Kathy, Sunshinestore, and Yingmin. Honestly, in my experience, they were pretty similar.


I think everyone is misinterpreting my dissatisfaction.

I am just like everyone else here: I think it's a great deal and I will continue to order more. I would never spend the money it would cost to have a few heady American made glass pieces, so I love this China glass route.

I've also ordered plenty of non-glass direct from China products before, so expected the lottery and wouldn't have laid out the money if it wasn't something I could stomach even if it was a total bust.

Maybe it's just because it was my first order so I don't have a baseline. Even though I haven't had to use it in action, I am very happy with the FC-710 I received from Steven, and I am sure I will order another piece from Steven in the next 12 months.

I'm just saying if Seller A, Seller B, and Seller C all offer the same product and I have already had less than great (not horrible) experience with Seller A, why wouldn't I be inclined to give Seller B or Seller C a shot?

Back to more important things... How do you guys think the Rattle Can would perform with an Underdog?


Well-Known Member
to me the FC rattle can looks like it is actually 18mm. The bowl sitting next to it definitely looks like 18mm to me.
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to me the FC rattle can looks like it is actually 18mm. The bowl sitting next to it definitely looks like 18mm to me.
The one from CCG is 14mm for sure I just talked to them. The one from Steven is 18mm though.

Any idea if CCG will offer a Rattle Can in 18.8mm? I'd like to use this with flowers and would prefer not to order from Steven after my last experience.
They said they will consider seriously the suggestion when I asked them about it.
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Well-Known Member
@Likes2vape did they indicate if they are considering developing an 18.8mm version?
I was editing my post above as you were posting!!! Haha.. It seems like they might make it in 18mm and slightly bigger but it would probably be after they sell out of these.

I wonder who's gonna be the first FC member to get the rattle can from CCG? It looks like it would make a nice little travel rig!


Dabs are vapor too!
Both ccg and sss versions seem to be sealed at the bottom...? Would this not influence function of the ball... Hihi non-rattle cans?

I'm interested in this as well

Mine is still on the way, but from watching the videos, my take is this: the vapor path is basically an inverted question mark. The glass ball closes off the bottom of this. As vapor flows thru the stem, it causes the pressure within the stem to decrease, pulling the ball up, and opening this "valve". Cool water from the bottom of the can is mingled with the vapor as it rises.

In this pic, the "downstem" is on the left, it is sealed. The portion to the right, is the upward direction, or "output". It is open at the very bottom, with a pinch above it to keep the ball from getting free.


Well-Known Member
Last night i ordered a banger from Hyman. It posted, sorted, shipped last night alone. Stevens package hasnt even sorted or shipped and has been stuck in "posting" for over 25 days.

soooo....I snapped on Steven today. I got some bullshit response that his mail was held up due to New Years Eve. I am going to call my CC and charge back the FTK today. I have 0 faith that this item has shipped, and i refuse to deal with CNY bullshit again...For me, late jan and all of feb = worthless dhgate. By all means, go on vacation, just be honest with your customers.

I was the third order for their FTK, and received a tracking number on the exact day my order would have defaulted with DHgate. The status of "posting" or "acceptance" has been stuck for ~25 days. Im going to come right out and say it... Ill bet none of the FTK have completed production/been shipped. Does any one have a working tracking number?

Steven may have nice designs, but the longer I wait for this FTK, the more I realize our Prom King is a liar. Slow is fine, but fraud isnt. Not a good look Steven. Not a good look at all.

I stand by my original thought. Just place the order and forget all about it. 2+ months later, your shit might arrive. If it does, Xmas... if it doesnt, charge back.
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Well Crap. I was holding my yingmin GB-187 by the mouthpiece and I heard a snap. I have had it about 2 weeks, so that didn't last long. It looked well made but obviously the joints are very weak. Plus the perc was almost to easy and airy for me. Is there a similar perc with slightly more resistance? Maybe I should get the old school D-020 with the spiral slits cut into the perc instead.

Any suggestions on a less airy flower vape bong to replace my new but broken GB-187?


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