Your glass is so shiney?So I finally received two of the 4 pieces ordered on the 18th of Aug and received on the 22nd of September, so Europeans patience is the essence but wonderful is the reward
This is a photo of them both next to the GB187 for your pleasure.
Just opened the packaged and both of the pieces are in good nick, 3 (see above photo) is much taller than expected, it has the down stem a little skewed and the base seems kinda thin, definitely not one for the clumsies, I love the mouth piece, the lips have a nice ledge to rest on. the slits on the Reti perc are not all at the same level but seemed to be polished. On both items the ground joints are nice and tight. small bubbles are in and there but nothing to cry about.
If anyone wishes I'll try to get a vid out of number 3 (Reti perc) as the Ratchet has been covered a few times but I can't recall any of the other.
Did it come like that or did you Polish it before the photo?

I'm going to polish my pieces after clean with this:
In the mean time a cheap set up with a top shelf cannabis strain to pass the time!

@hd_rider this is one of my cheap setups!
Glass is a clean path for vapor however let us not forget:
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