Well-Known Member
We aren't so oppositeif you read my asterisk then you will know that I think Quartz is just as tasty as ceramic and even tastier than ti but only if it is seasoned first. If you don't season a quartz or glass nail I feel like they taste very "synthetic".
What seller is that? That replacement deal is unheard of with quartz or ceramic.
IMHO that doesn't seem right. Why would a seller say they would replace something that they know will eventually break? I know HIVE won't replace your ceramic for free when it cracks. I know Joel Halen won't replace your Honey Hole when it cracks. So I don't get why this seller would replace it. That would be awesome if he/she did though
Oh and titnaiumedgeshop on eBay had the female quartz honey hole nails for cheaper than dqcountry (green Buddha).
Sorry I misread what he typed to me, he said he would only replace if cracked within the first couple of weeks. Which means not worth getting...I'll stick to the quartz banger or ti domeless
Also the seller was titaniumedgeshop.
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